Chapter I

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This is the first chapter of Werewolf Academy. I will try to update often but it may be a bit more irregular when school starts up again.

    I enter headquarters immediately heading for The Master's office. The two guards at the door stiffen as I approach. I was highly feared. The most deadly person here aside from The Master. I was his second in-command. We all did his dirty work, but when the tough jobs came in I was the one he called on.

While they would have held any other assassin back, making them wait for permission of entrance, they let me walk on in. "Ah, Selina, my dear. You're back."

I drop to a knee, tipping my head in a bowing gesture. Even someone in my position showed respect to a man like him. "I have handled the assignment." The assignment. That is what any man or woman I am sent to kill is called. The only time I see a name is when he hands me this file containing information. Weaknesses. Strengths. Anything to use against them. "They will be no further pest to you."

"Did anyone witness you murder him?"

I smirk, meeting his eyes. As if. "Have I ever been so careless in my work? It would make me a horrible second."

"Good." He motions for me to stand. "I'll have your payment sent to your rooms."

"Thank you, Master."

I turn to leave. "Wait. There is one more thing." I face him again, raising an eyebrow. "Your letter came."

My letter. The thing we had been waiting for. Holding our breath, as we wished it wouldn't come. It was unavoidable. All werewolves by law had to attend the academy if they held any type of rank. Despite the fact my pack was dead, I was an Alpha's daughter. I was required to attend beside the others with blood of an Alpha, Beta, or Third.

Most wolves begin attending the school at fourteen as freshman. There were a scattered few, hidden deeper than others. In smaller packs or one that was wiped out like mine. I'm sure I wouldn't be allowed in if they knew that little Adalynn Asher had turned into Selina Carver. The most deadly assassin to roam the state of California. There was no lock I couldn't pick. No building I couldn't scale. In a way I was invincible. I had no mercy or emotion when it came to my kill.

"The school year starts in two weeks. Your chance is finally approaching."

"How so?"

He chuckles. "I've been training you, because I know the blood you want is that of an Alpha. Alpha James Vennera to be precise." The man who attacked my pack. He tried to kill me that night. A five year old girl. I wanted revenge. "I found you when you were nine, and you were already hungry for revenge. Molding you into an assassin to help you along with your desire has been quite enjoyable. You will be attacking indirectly."

"How do you mean?"

"As you know, his son is the academy, being an Alpha-to-be. Not all wolves wait for a mate. Seduce him in your time of study. Make your way into the pack house. Take what's yours." I swallow hard, realizing that I finally had a shot at overthrowing the Alpha. "I will keep contact with you. You remember how to read the encryptions I taught you?"


"Then go."


I shower and dress the day before school starts. I would be a senior this year since I had turned seventeen in late June. I slipped on a light midnight blue blouse with jeans only a shade darker and strapped sandals. My hair was parted left and I let it flow down my back, dampening the shirt a bit.

I had always loved my dark curls. The raven colored locks were stunning against my emerald eyes. I wasn't crazy about makeup, but I quickly apply a bit of mascara to my full lashes, drawing my eyes out. I just hoped Eric wasn't downstairs to take me to the airport. The obnoxious boy was a fellow assassin that I tried to avoid as often as I could. He constantly pestered me about this and that and I had debated finding some creative way to kill him that would look like an accident.

I look at the letter again. It read:

Ms. Adalynn Asher,

We have become aware of your status as a descendant of Alpha blood. By law all werewolves with high rank in there family are required to attend Werewolf Academy in hopes of not only continuing your studies, but finding your mate. Should you not find him, you will have to continue your search on your own after graduation.

We are also aware that your pack was overthrown. Despite the fact you are considered a rogue, you will be accepted as student, considering you may mate and become a Luna, Beta female, or Third female. We will meet you in your fall lessons.

Headmaster Michael Quinn

I huff, grabbing the large duffle I had packed my clothes in. Three pairs of jeans, one pair of slacks, and about two weeks worth of shirts, two of which being semi-formal, my few toiletries, and black flats resting on top, a pair of converse in the bottom. I would also wear the sandals I currently had on my feet quite often.

"Selina," The Master greets me. I raise an eyebrow. I didn't expect him to see me off. I pause on the bottom step, glancing at his third, Matthew, who stood behind him. "As I promised you, Matthew and I are the only people who know where you are going. I will only tell another should we need to make public contact and can't send him." I nod. "Take this as my going away gift."

He hands me a small box. It was black velvet, obviously containing a piece of jewelry. I open it to reveal a necklace that would fall a few inches below the collarbone. The teardrop diamond was about the size of my pinky nail. I wasn't one for flashy stones and he knew it.

He latches it around my neck. "Remember where your loyalty lies, Selina. Make me proud."

"I will."

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