Chapter IV

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Chapter 4 ready to go. I won't do too many swapped POV's but there will be one in this chapter and a couple others.

I stand in wolf form, waiting for another female wolf to make first move. Shifting classes were more amusing than I thought. At least the playing ground was more even than in hand-to-hand. I had been here two weeks already and Venerra and I were only growing further apart. This assignment was going to be much more difficult than I had originally thought.

In my distracted state I didnt notice the girl lunging for my hind leg until her teeth were only centimeters from it. I snarl, jerking it back. The girl flinched. Not many wolves had seen a female of this size. I dive in, grazing her underbelly with my teeth. I slam into her, succeeding in knocking her over. She growls, but backs off. The round was over once a wolf was down.

I see Brian's wolf approaching. All wolves had shifting classes at the same time. I wasnt surprised to see im coming up. He attacked and I manage to just barely dodge.  He was swifter than my first opponent and larger than me. He snapped at the side of my neck harshly. I give him a low growl. I lunge foward. He ducks, head butting me between the chest and stomach. I am shoved back by the force of the impact. 

I land on my left side, a spike of pain striking and fading quickly in my shoulder.  He walks over as I stand. I knew what he was thinking. I may be better in weaponry, but he was still a stronger wolf. Arrogant Alpha bastard. 


I  sit in the mess hall with my friends as usual. Only two weeks and Hannah had already managed to find her mate. Brian's Third, Nathan. To my surprise, Brian sat with us. He was smirking at me the whole time. I roll my eyes, trying to ignore him. 

"Looks like you finally got your payback today," Nathan says to Brian.

He looks to me smirking. "I guess I did."

I roll my eyes again. "Give me any weapon you can find. I'll kick your ass in seconds. Being packless I hadn't shifted often before coming here. I made my way in only human form for years. I eventually became ambidextrous to any weapon and learned multiple forms of marshal arts. I get around fine."

"Why did you have to learn a lot of weaponry?" Nathan asks.

I shrug. "My guardian is into it. Like, crazy into it. It's kinda my hobby."

"Careful who you say that to. Someone might think you're up to something."


Brian POV:

I walk out of the mess hall with Jake and Nathan behind me. They both come around and face me, walking backwards. "What?" I ask them.

"You look kind of pissed," Jake says. 

"I'm not pissed." 

"Liar," Nathan defends my nosy Beta-to-be. "Is this about Adalynn?"

I glare at them. "Mind your own business." They both move in together to block me. "Move," I growl.

"Seriously," Jake says. "What's up? Come on. You've got a dorm to yourself. Let's take this there."

I walk up with them. "Look, guys. I like to know what's happening. I can respect  that people have secrets, but she's hiding something much bigger than a little personal detail. She is up to something and I will find out what is going on with her." 

Jake seems to hesitate. "Brian,  you know I don't like jumping into personal things, but if you'll let me say something..." I give him a blank stare. "It seems like you might just be on the chase for that secret because you have other interests in her."

I knew exactly what he was suggesting. As if. Adalynn Asher would never be that girl. Besides, I have sworn since I was a child that I would wait for my mate. That girl is the furthest thing from that to me. I run a hand through my hair, shaking my head at my two friends. I hate Asher. She is a stubborn pain in the ass who likes to show off. Both guys roll their eyes as I state this.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover," Nathan says. "And don't judge a girl for a secret you think you may find."

Super short chapter. Sorry. I felt this is how I needed to end it though. A new chapter will be up soon.

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