Chapter XXV

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I opened my eyes to blinding light and swore colorfully. My head was pounding. After adjusting to the sun coming into the room I assessed my surroundings. The pack infirmary.

"What the fuck?"

I reached for the IV in my arm and a voice floats to my ears. "You take that needle out and you're gonna have a whole lot more than a headache, Asher."

My eyes snap to the chair across the room and I instantly stiffen. "Alpha James."

Even stepping down it was common practice to call an ex-Alpha by his past title. "Just James will do, Adalynn." He jerked his head at the IV rack. "Morphine. Mostly for the knife wound."

"You saved me," I say, my throat feeling raw. "Why?"

He stood, pouring a cup of water. "I slaughtered your pack, my son needs an heir, and my little brother is a bastard." He extended the cup to me. "Take your pick."

I let the cool liquid coat my throat before speaking again. "I didn't know he was a wolf. I guess that's why he was so eager to help me take you down. He had personal issues."

"He was certainly jealous the pack would be mine," he provided. "When he tried to kill me to take my place I banished him. Made him a rogue. I knew he'd find a way back. I just didn't think he'd use a child as a shield."

There was a moment of awkward silence, then a shriek filled the room, startling us both. "Thank the goddess you're okay! We were worried sick!" I groan in pain as Rachel threw her arms around my waist. "Sorry," she grumbles.

Jake came up behind her, punching my good shoulder just hard enough for me to flinch. "Don't scare us like that again. Brian has been a wreck since he saw you."

"How bad was it?" I ask, noticing James departure.

"I don't know," he tells me sarcastically. "It's not like there was a knife stuck in you and you were fucking bleeding out." He frowns. "Why didn't you shift? Call for backup? You are the Luna, Adalynn. You can't just constantly throw yourself in harms way."

I flush, looking down. "I wanted to kill him with his own moves. I wanted him to see his human protégé take his life. Not a wolf. But I never even cut him."

"I told you your stubbornness would be your downfall." I looked beyond my two friends and my heart flipped. He really was a mess. Dark circles lay beneath his eyes and his hair and clothes were a wreck. "Out," he said in a soft yet authoritative tone.

The door clicked shut and for a moment we just stared at one another. "They told me you were a wreck but this is just pathetic, Brian."

"Shut up and let me kiss you, Asher." I loved when he used my last name, a little reminder of where we started.

And I did. He sat on the bed, cradling my neck, kissing me like it was the first time he had done so. My eyes fly open and I push him away. He gave me a startled look. "Alysandra's brother. Where is he?"

He smiled, stroking my cheek. "With Amber. He's a bit underfed but safe and healthy overall."

"Go find Amber. I want to meet him."

"Slow down. He's not going anywhere. You need rest."

"If you don't go find him I will pull this IV out and do so myself."

"Okay, okay," he says, practically jumping off the bed. Fifteen minutes later I heard the door open just as I finished washing my hands. "Adalynn?"

I hear the worry in my mates voice and roll my eyes. "Relax," I tell him. "I was using the bathroom."


"Gently," I hear Brian admonish his sister as she rushes towards me. "Back in bed," he scolds me when she lets go.

I grimace but let him help me onto the bed again. "You never really realize how much you use a muscle," I say, gripping my abdomen, "until you can't." Brian pulls blankets over my legs and I smile. I spot a young boy cowering behind Amber. "What's your name?" I ask softly.

He peaked around Amber and I try to give him a reassuring smile. "Devin," he squeaks.

"It's nice to meet you, Devin. I'm Adalynn."

"I know. Is my sister in trouble?"

I sigh, patting the bed. He hopped up, scooting back far enough to touch my thigh. "Your sister did some thing bad. At the same time, we know she was trying to protect you."

"Will we be rogues?" he asks shyly.

Tears feel his eyes and I immediately deny it. "No. You will always be safe here." Brian's eyes hardened at my promise but he said nothing. "Not so long ago I was doing things far worse than what Alysandra attempted. A trial will be held, but Brian and I will do everything in our power to ensure you stay together."

The boy looked to my mate, waiting for him to tell him otherwise. "Of course." His voice was tense, but the child was too relieved to notice. "Why don't you go back out to the yard, Devin," he suggests. "Other kids should be out playing still."

Amber played escort again and Brian made sure the door shut the moment they were gone. "Don't give me that look, Brian."

"You can't make promises like that to a child."

"Sorry. Did you want me to say his sister is standing against the same charges I've been running from for years? She didn't even kill anyone, Brian. Why did I get out of it and she didn't?"

"You killed no one related to the pack. She made an attempt on her Luna's life and fed pack intel to our enemies. Take a guess."

"He doesn't deserve this, Brian."

"What can we do to stop it, Adalynn?"

I bit my lip. "If she doesn't go free we take him in."

"Adalynn, there are families here that can't have children. We aren't prepared for something like that."



"Brian," I counter in a more stressed tone. He came to sit on the bed. "I'm not a fool, Brian. The pack doctor already brought it to your attention, didn't he?" His eyes fell to my bandaged stomach and I saw him swallow hard. "I nearly bled out," I continue. "What chance of conception do I truly have?"

"He doesn't have Alpha blood," he responds, dodging the heavy subject I had brought to the table.

"Does it matter?" I nearly shriek. "Brian."

"Maybe not to you and me. To others? To those who stand above us? It matters, Adalynn. It is expected that you and I produce an heir by blood."

"And if I can't?"

There was a moment of silence between us. His body tense, he finally spoke. "Send someone to my office if you need me."

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