Chapter XXII

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"I didn't realize until now what it was. Her scent has been off for a few days but I couldn't figure out why."

Brian was on his feet quicker than I thought possible. If there was one thing you didn't mess with in the werewolf world it was a pup. Whether they were just beneath shifting age or still in their mother's womb, pups were the first any wolf of the pack would think to protect. He wouldn't let this one suffer—be killed as the silver weakened its mother because of her mistakes.

I follow him as he makes his way to the cells beneath the pack house. "Open the traitor's cell now," he growls at the guard on duty.

"Yes, Alpha."

"What's going on," Alysandra asks as the door swings open.

"You got damn lucky, that's what," Brian growls. He was still a bit sore about her assassination attempt.

I step in front of him before he could do something he would regret. "While silver is protocol to control traitors," I begin, "You will be temporarily removed from your cell only for the sake of your pup's health. After giving birth, should your punishment not be decided you will return here."

"I would be a fool not to agree to your terms."

"I warn you now," my mate says coldly, "if you ever make another attempt on the life of a wolf in this pack you will regret ever doing so. Your life will be forfeit."

"Yes, Alpha. I understand." She was playing it safe. I had to admit she was smart. Brian makes a gesture to the guard and I start to turn away. "I'm sorry, Adalynn." I freeze. "You know what he's like. I couldn't—"

"Don't try to feed me the same lie I told myself every day. The same lie I chanted after slitting an innocent man's throat just because he was wealthy."

The guard flinched and it had nothing to do with the silver he was near. "He has my brother."

"You could have told me that during our first discussion here, Alysandra. It's not my fault you lied." I shake my head. "When I kill the bastard behind it all we will take your brother in. If he's even alive since your little spy attempt came to an end."

My last sentence seems to hang in the air and I see her tearing up. "Thank you," she whispers.

"Keep a guard on her night and day."

"Yes, Luna."

Changing into pajamas I slid into the bed, resting at the very edge. I kept my back to my mate even as the bed dipped and he sighed. "Adalynn, don't be like this."

"A bold thing to demand after making accusations like you did over dinner." He didn't try to respond. He knew I would only cut him off if he did. I roll over. "He has been my best friend since childhood and you tried to tell me he was working for the man who broke me even more than your father did. Do you think that living in luxury made me—"

In an instant he had me pinned under him, his eyes flashing gold. "I can't say I fully understand what you went through. I could never judge your experiences. Your struggles as a child." He tilts his downwards. "And even now, I am still ashamed of my father's actions."

My wolf settled in content as our mate pressed down even closer, only to surface again when his lips brushed my mark. Unprepared for the motion, I couldn't hold back a small groan. His wolf was still on edge because I was so upset with him. I knew what he needed to make sure he wouldn't lose control.

His teeth elongate, sinking into my neck over his original mark. I squirm under him in slight discomfort but he only held me in place, growling lowly in disapproval at my response. It wasn't as pleasant as the first time, but remarking was not uncommon for Alphas. His hold on me didn't relax as his teeth retracted.

My wolf had fully surfaced and silver met gold. He brushed his thumb across my neck, cleaning the last of the blood that ran from the open wound. He pressed it to my lips and my tongue quickly swiped across. He made a short sound of approval, as my wolf didn't often obey his. He didn't try to hold me the way some Alpha's did their mates. Many of them believed that woman should do as their mates told them. Show no defiance at any time.

"You're tempting me more and more with each passing second, Adalynn. I have to say, you look damn sexy in black."

Planning on staying as far from his grasp as possible without sending one of us to the floor, I had worn an extremely short nightgown that left almost nothing to the imagination. I knew it would torture him even further. He kissed me roughly, holding me down so I couldn't move. His fingers slipped under my panties and I whimper.

He chuckled. "I don't think you'll  be trying to tease me again any time soon, will you?"


"Good morning," Brian murmurs. I don't bother replying, only press closer to him. He chuckles, pulling himself from my hold. "Get dressed, my Luna. We have planning to do."

I lay in bed as he gathers clothes and a towel to shower. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "For what I said to you that night."

"What do you mean. What night?"

"When you and the other guys caught me with Michael in the forest. I told you if you didn't accept me I would still take out the pack. The truth is...I couldn't bring myself to. I felt grief at the thought of leaving Rachel and Hannah to be forced rogues as we shared sleepless nights. I was so confused about what the bond was making me feel I fell back on the costume I had worn for the past years."

He looked towards me, leaning on the wall outside the bathroom. He frowned at my words from the past. Tears start to surface. "I was scared. Scared that knowing my other name would make you reject me. But I would have run. Run to some place he couldn't hunt me down. I couldn't hurt you. Maybe if I go back...even if he demoted me..."

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence. Do you understand what you have already become to this pack. Do you see how many children run to you with love in their eyes. You have only benefited these people. Our people."

"Brian, I still threatened them all at one point. I don't deserve that love."

He sat on the bed, stroking my hair back. "If I truly believed you were blackmailing me I never would have brought you into the pack as anything but a prisoner. But I saw through it. I saw the soft-hearted girl you thought had been crushed in your early childhood. I saw a blessing for my pack."

His knuckles graze my jaw. "Brian. I'm not."

"You need to stop seeing a killer when you look at yourself. It's not you and the pack as a whole knows it. Most importantly, I know it.

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