Chapter XVII

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I look to Alysandra, who was not so subtly flirting with Jack. "You know," I start, "you seem kind of familiar now."

She furrows her eyebrows in obvious confusion. "That would be simply insane. I haven't been to California before the incident with the other rogues."

"Okay, first thing's first. I don't want to hear you speaking like you are not a part of this pack, Alysandra. Come on, you've barely been here and you're already one of my best friends."


"Secondly, I have met many people. Acquainted, befriended...killed," I say swallowing, "so I'm sure I'm just connecting an old face to yours."

"You, having friends before us?" Jake teases. "I thought the only interaction you had with other living beings was murder before we straightened you out."

I smirk at him. "Remember. Just because I'm on your side, Jake, does not mean I've put down my blades yet. Don't get on my bad side." 

To add emphasis to my false threat I grab his pen and draw a quick yet unmistakeable SC on his notebook before twirling towards the stairs and crashing directly into an obviously annoyed Nathan. I narrow my eyes at his sour expression.

"My apologies, Luna." The comment was clearly meant to distract me from his mood.

I scoff. "You know you don't have to call me that, Nathan. What's got you looking so pissy anyways?"

"Trouble in paradise," Brian answers coming down behind him. He kisses my forehead. "Sorry I left so early."

I allow him to escort me back to the dining area which everyone in our group but Hannah was now seated in. I smile at other passing pack members and the many children running about. Hannah and I were arguing," Nathan elaborates on Brian's earlier comment. "She has now gone as far as to lock herself in one of the rooms in the opposite wing from ours and block her mind from mine."

"Wait, you can block your mind from your mate?" I ask. Everyone looked at me with shock. "I didn't really grow up in the werewolf world as you know. Youre lucky my early childhood was filled with stories of mates. I could have been oblivious to even that."

"You are not going to block me out ever. Are we clear?"

I smirk, turning away from him. "Whatever you say, Brian."

I jump when he lightly pokes my side with the tines of his fork. Just as I start to make a remark about his childish behavior a young girl races up to me. "Luna," she addresses me, breathless from running around with the others. 

I squat down so I am eye level with the young pup. She was no older than six. "Charlotte, isn't it?" She nods her head, clearly excited I had remembered her name. I brush her blonde curls back from her face. "I don't want you to call me anything other than Adalynn."

"What about Addy?"

I smile. "That is perfect. Now, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"My friends and I are playing soccer outside. We want you and Alpha Brian to come watch us."

I glance at my mate standing behind me after nodding. "Excuse me," Jake starts, sounding sarcastically offended, "but do you not want your Beta pair there watching you as well, little one? I thought you loved me more than that!"

Rachel rolled her eyes at her mate's antics while Charlotte giggled. "You can come too."

Brian wraps me in a hug as I stand when the girl runs away, weaving through the adults and teens milling about the room. The group was larger now since it was growing closer to lunch hour. "So, can I call you Addy?" Jake asks.

"Are you a pup?" He starts to speak but I cut him off, already knowing he would say something stupid. "Don't answer that question. You can't call me Addy. End of story."

I take Brian's hand and pull him out to the backyard where the pups had gathered to play soccer.  They run around for hours and the teens and adults mingle as they watch. I look to the sky,  seeing the georgeous sunset over us.

"I'll be so happy when this is over," Brian says. "I know I've said it before. We soon enough it will all be behind us, but what if it's not. You suggested it at the academy then confirmed it a few days ago, rogues being on his side. It makes things even more complicated now. With wolves coming in there is so much more planning to do and I don't know what to do. If even just a patrol schedule is off then we could be attacked and if any of the pack members..." He runs a hand through his hair. "What if the pups are hurt or killed?"

I huff, covering his mouth with my hand. "I know you're the Alpha, but you need to stop worrying so much. I know how he operates. I was, am, was, I don't know. Have been his second. He trusted me. Trusts me still. We have time." He bends down, aiming to kiss me. Just before our lips meet, I hear the screams.

"Alpha! Luna!"

"What's going on, Mason?" Brian asks the patrol lead that had called on us.

"Rogues. Hundreds on the border we left open. We prepared the other side like you told us to. They got tipped off Alpha. They know that the Luna has truly sided with us."

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