Chapter VI

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I hug Rachel, Hannah, Jake, and Nathan as students begin to part ways from the school for winter break. I notice Brian leaning against a tree a few feet away. He was only looking at me. "Hey," Hannah says, stealing his attention. "Don't I get a hug, tough guy? Unlike Rachel, I won't be heading straight to pack Nightshade until I get things cleared up with my stubborn father." The Moonstone pack Alpha. 

He rolls his eyes, stepping forward to give her a hug. "I'll miss you, shortie."

"Shut up. It's not my fault you're 6'5."

"Not my fault you're 5'0 even."

"I'm 5'3, asshole."

"Such a difference," he says sarcastically. She stomps on his foot playfully, earning a glare. She sticks her tongue out. The sass on some of my friends.

Jake slings an arm around my neck. "Where you headed back to? I don't think you ever told us where you came from."

"Cali," I answer vaguely. 

"Hmm, awfully close to Nightshade. You sure you and Brian aren't—"

"We're not mates," we growl together.

"You have to be the most persistent Beta to exist."

He shrugs. We all part ways, I running back to the airport. After a short flight the plane touches down. I see Matthew waiting for me in the baggage claim "Hey, Selina. How's school?"

"Why do you care?"

"How is the assignment going? You win your way in yet?"

"We're acquaintances." There was absolutely no way I was telling anyone how we started out. "What's been going on since I left?"

"Well, we've all been going out on assignments here and there. Nothing crazy. Caleb has been going down to one of the bars and flirting with ever girl there. Nothing new there."

We drive back to HQ, I in the passenger seat. Walking into the tower I take in the familiar gloominess. I immediately head for my rooms, hoping to find some time to pick up one of the books on the small shelf. Sit and lose myself in the world of fiction. Unfortunetly my plans are ruined by a sharp wrapping on the door.

"What?" I respond. 

"The Master is asking for you," I yank open the door to find one of the younger assassins. A trainee. 

"Thank you for telling me."

I walk down to his office, nervous of my progress. The moment I reach the floor I required my nose was assaulted by a fowl stench. A rogue. My wolf was on high alert now. I continue my walk down, preparing myself to shift incase I were I to be attacked. I reach the door, entering. Across from The Master sat a rogue. There was no denying what he was. He looked  every bit the part. I can't stop the low snarl that passes my lips.

"Ah, Selina. How wonderful to see you."

"Master," I kneel, still eying the rogue warily. The moment you leave a pack is the moment you open yourself to judgement. "I will inform you of the situation when your meeting is over."

"Give me your report. I have a short assignment to give you afterwards. Keep you busy during the holiday break."

"I haven't quite yet gotten through, though I'm making my way. We spent very little time together in the beginning, but he and I now consider one another a sort of acquaintance. He has many barriers. A few more months and I'll be past them, I'm sure."

"I expect nothing less than that." He hands me a folder. "Your assignment. Get some rest." 

I walk up to my room. Flopping down on my bed, I choose to ignore the file for the time being. I just wanted to sit down with a book, not think about when and how to break in wherever to kill a  person causing a threat. I had gone to one of the local bookstores just before I left for school, accidentally leaving the novel on my bookshelf. 

The Wheel of Time. I vaguely remember the Beta female of my pack reading it to me when I was little. She was always kind to me. Like the aunt who always came around to spoil her niece, leaving her parents to deal with the rambunctious after effects. I called her just that. Aunt Violet. Her son, Jack, was the same age as I and many people teased us for how close we were. 

"Just wait. They'll go to the academy when they are older and everything will snap into place."

"They'll be mated before sophomore year, I'm sure of it."

"Those children, off together again. Watch. The Luna will bear a boy to lead the pack after the Alpha. Our little Adalynn will be made Beta female beside Jack. It's all just so obvious."

I was a fool. The first few weeks after the attack I was convinced that because Violet and Jack hadn't been found with the Beta they had survived. That idea is simply ridiculous. I had never believed the Beta to be alive. I watched him die. Alpha Vennera had me trapped in the main kitchen. He taught him off long enough for me to escape, but when I looked back, I saw Vennera tear out his throat.

Too unfocused with memories to comprehend the story, I set the book aside, taking hold of the file. I open the file, mentally rolling my eyes. "Twelve years and I still grieve them. I must be..."

I look down to the photograph and name beside it. My heart stops.

So, I'm sure the file contents is pretty predictable. I just felt that I should find a place to bring out more of Adalynn's story than Selina's in this chapter. I had a bit of writers block and thought this could be beneficial in future scenes.

Thanks for reading!

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