Chapter III

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Chapter three up  for reading.

I sit in the mess hall with all the other students for dinner. Hannah and Rachel were with me, Hannah beside me, and Rachel across from me with her mate. Brian's Beta, Jake. He was handsome, that's for sure. Blond hair fell into his stunning blue eyes, he was well muscled from training, and his tan skin seemed to make him glow.

"You know, you seemed awful worried about me today," I say to both of them. "Especially you, Jake."

"You're my best friend."

"I know how he fights."

The couple speaks at the same time.

I see Jake giving me a weird look. "What?"

He hesitates before asking me, "Where did you learn how to fight like that? The techniques you used were specifically designed to throw off even the wisest of opponents. You could have killed him without using your weapons."

"Weapons are a tool. It's how the wielder chooses to use them that makes the fight fair or not. My guardian taught me everything I know."

He's probably the only one I couldn't kill. I need to fulfill my duty as soon as possible and get the rest of his men ready for the attack. I already turned Vennera against me on the first day. How am I supposed to complete my mission if I already made him an enemy.

Rachel changes the subject. "Speaking of killing, did you hear about what happened to the businessmen in Cali a couple weeks ago? Throat slit in his own bed. Wife and kids came back from their vacation and found him dead."

"Who are the suspects?" Hannah asks.

"Only one. The room was spotless. Only the man's blood and the murderers sign, carved into the head board."

"SC," I say. I always leave my signature somewhere after a kill. It's part of the game. "Everyone say Selina Carver has taken over the streets of every city, every town in California. But what has anyone tried to do to stop her. They all live in fear, but do nothing to face her. She is the nightmare told to children when they're naughty, the phantom on the streets, yet no one has seen her face. Only heard a name."

"People are scared she's gonna start traveling. Across the country. I personally don't know what to believe," Jake finishes.

"Me neither," I say.

Because after I kill the Alpha, what will I do? My mission will be complete. Taking jobs from The Master would feel wrong after that. Meaningless. I'm not moving towards anything after that. I'm never going to be the girl who settles down with a mate. Having a family is out of the question. Because who would want a murderer at their side? What child wants to tell their friends that their mother ran the streets killing anyone she was told to? I groan at the thought of what I'll never have. Why did I care anyways? I am heartless. I am cruel. I am unforgiving. And I don't give a damn about anyone else. My mate can die for all I care.

I stand from the table, muttering a little something about turning in early. I didnt head back to my rooms. I make my way out to the main courtyard, pulling  my jacket closer around me. The bite of autumn had already appeared despite the fact September had only just arrived. To my left I see a dark silhouette leaning against a pillar, just barely illuminated by the pale moon glow. The shadowed figure was obviously a male. Brian.

"Tired of hearing about how you got your ass kicked by a newbie?" I ask, leaning against the column beside the one he had claimed.

He shrugs. "That and all the nonsense about how great and mighty the Carver girl is. Everyone is being rediculous about how much power she holds. She can clean up a murder scene and keep her face hidden. So what? Should we all lock ourselves  in our houses to avoid bumping into her on the street? We're in Seattle and people worry about being a target of a woman in California. Besides, mortals may be too weak for a mortal killer, but we wolves can hold our own."

"You have a strong opinion on this. Why?"

"I had a mortal friend. I met her when she and her family left Cali for a few weeks to visit Nevada." The Nightshade pack location. "We kept in contact until the night she, her parents, and her brother were all slaughtered. Guess what they found on the living room wall."

"SC." An assignment about five years ago. I was only after the mother, but because the family was present and had gotten in my way, I had to kill them. "I understand why you may be upset."

"There will come a day when I kill her. There will come a day, when I end the mayhem."

I cock my head. "What makes you think you'll be the one to take her life?"

"Because it seems that everyone else is too scared to end her. I am no such coward."

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