Chapter 5: The Challenge

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Natsu and I walked to school together and it was pretty nice to do so. I knew that these moments were going to be rare once he gets his guardians and gets heavily involved with Vongola.

I'll miss it... the days where it's just the two of us and we talk and complain about school. Where we talked about anything that normal kids talked about. No battle, no craziness, no bloodshed, no pain. Just us brothers and this peaceful atmosphere.

Well... just us brothers and an arcobaleno, since Reborn is following us.

I looked at my brother smile. 'I may not be able to protect you from the dark side of the world, but I want to at least protect your life and smile... even if the cost is my own life. I promise to protect you and your guardians, Natsu!'

Wow... I'm really starting to sound like a 400 year old man.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Sasagawa Kyoko and Knuckle came up to us and my brother sported a nice blush and started to stutter. I smirked and held in a laugh. 'So cute.'

It seemed that Kyoko forgave him for the incident yesterday.

"G-good morning, Kyoko-chan." He managed to get out. Poor boy was blushing so much that I would've thought he was dying if I didn't know about his crush.

Lucky for him, Kyoko (or as I like to nickname her, Nana 2.0) didn't notice and continued smiling obliviously as she walked along side us.

"Hi, Natsu-kun! Good morning, Tsuna-kun! How are you today?" She greeted back.

Since Natsu seemed to have a hard time talking, I decided to do a favor for him and answer the question.

"We're doing fine, Sasegawa-san. How about you?" I questioned back.

She puffed out her cheeks in a pouting manner. "Moouu, Tsuna-kun! I keep telling you over and over again to call me Kyoko! But I'm doing great, thanks for asking! She finished in an calm, smiling manner.

I laughed and rubbed the back of my head. "Sorry, Kyoko! I keep forgetting!"  I clasped my hands together. "Forgive me!" This conversation reminded me of the time I first met Elena.

I used to always address her as Signorina Elena and then she would wack me in the head and remind me to just call her Elena.

I was then overcome with grief. It was my fault she died. If I hadn't discarded my military and created an opening for the rival famiglia to attack, she wouldn't have died and Daemon wouldn't have done all those awful things and betrayed us in her name. Now Vongola became something I never wanted it to be and it's all my fault.

But I guess that's why I'm here. To fix my mistakes and become the shadow of Vongola.

I looked over at Natsu. 'Will you be drawn to power like Secondo, or will you be drawn to the pleas of help, protecting anyone in need?'

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice my Sun looking at me, guessing what I was thinking and completely forgot about the arcobaleno spying on us.

Reborn POV:

I was spying on my dame student and his brother when I noticed something on the brother's face. Grief. Sadness. Anger. Betrayal. And when he looked at Dame-Natsu...hope.

His eyes looked thousands of years old, filled with wisdom and sadness. They looked like they had seen everything the dark side of the world had to offer. They were deep. Endlessly deep.

The most frightening thing was that those eyes that are on a 14 year old boy...looked far older than my own eyes.

I looked at the boy in shock and sadness. What had that boy seen and experienced to make his eyes so old?

What does he hope for Dame-Natsu?

Looking at Tsuna...I wondered if Nono made a mistake. Not just because of the boy's eyes. It was also because of the air around him.

The air was that of a natural born leader. It's like I'm being drawn to him. I could feel it. The want to serve him. The want to bow down to him. I've never felt anything like it, not even with Nono or Luce.

Who are you, Sawada Tsunayoshi?

'Well, better make my presence known and scare Dame-Natsu.' I thought as I smiled sadistically.

Giotto/Tsuna POV:

A certain baby popping out and a high pitched scream brought me out of my thoughts and back to reality. It seems the arcobaleno decided to make his presence known.

After all of the whining from my brother about no wanting to become a mafia boss and the whacking that was done to my him, I went all the way to Namimori High with him, even though I was in Jr. High. I wanted this moment with my brother to last as long as it can.

Speaking of which, I've gotta ask Alaude to transfer us into high school. I want to keep a closer watch on Natsu, after all.

When the entrance of the school was within sight, I saw a boy with a disgusting look in his eyes. My hyper intuition flared. This guy is looking for trouble. When he saw us, his face went from disgusting to anger and jealousy.

I looked where his eyes led to. It was my brother and Kyoko. Guess my brother isn't the only one to admire her.

The boy came up to us and my brother looked at him in surprise. "Mochida-sempai? What do you want?" Natsu was not happy to see him.

The now named Mochida pointed at my brother and shouted, "Sawada Natsu! I hereby challenge you to a duel!"

This is it, Natsu. Your first step to whatever future you want.

To be continued...

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