Let's Save Rock & Roll (Fall Out Boy)

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Authors note: This story is completed, but for editing purposes I will be posting a new chapter daily.

The sound of a car door slamming echoed throughout the back alley parking lot of the recording studio. Patrick wiped the morning grogginess from his eyes as he made his way up the steps to the back door. He swung open the door, as soon as he had done so he immediately regretted it. His head started to ache as the sound of screaming and arguing reached his ears.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Joe screamed.

"WE ARE NOT SELL OUTS!" Pete yelled pounding his fist on the table.

"Holy smoke, what's wrong guys?" Patrick asked as he walked through the threshold.

Our producer walked Patrick into a separate room as Joe, Pete, and Andy protested.

"DON'T LISTEN TO A WORD THAT BASTARD HAS TO SAY!" Pete shouted before the door had a chance to close.

"Listen, Patrick." George said in a casual tone. He coughed, clearing his throat. Probably from screaming at the other members. "We are in a very modern age where the rock genre is just out. Pop music, and 'cookie cutter' music is in. Our label isn't going to make any money and neither will you if your record doesn't sell."

"But ours will." He argued. "Our record WILL sell because there are people out there that are dying for real music, music that means something. I will give that to them, no matter what."

"No, Patrick, you are going to sing whatever we tell you because we own you-" Patrick cut him off before he could finish.

"You can't MAKE us do anything. That's the thing about rock music. It's all about thinking outside the box. Taking risks and not following the rules is in our blood. So we WILL play whatever we WANT to play, we WILL sing whatever we WANT to sing, we WILL do whatever we WANT. Back the hell off because you have no control over us even if you think you do." Patrick said calmly before walking out of the small room.

The rest of the band stared intently as the door opened quickly and Patrick walked out looking oddly calm.

"Just wait Patrick STUMP, we will destroy you and your career and you'll see. You will do what we tell you because that's how this business works." George said as Patrick walked out the back door.

The rest of the band followed Patrick and made there way towards the parking lot. They gathered near Pete's car.

"What are we going to do?" Andy asked, crossing his arms.

"Beat the shit out of him." Pete stated bluntly.

"Come on Pete, look around. You see this toxic wasteland left behind. Don't you remember what happened a couple years ago. We lost almost all our freedom in that stupid fucking war. They are especially against all of our freedom of expression and that's pretty much music that means anything. They only want that idiotic manufactured music that hypnotizes people into thinking it's not okay to be different. Cause they don't want different people, that's what started the last war. That's why they banned our music Pete." Patrick said staring at the ground.

A silence creeped between the four band members.

"But wanna know one thing. They will wave the white flag because the war is won before it's even begun." Joe said as smiles started to form on their faces.

"Come on." Andy said sprinting towards an old fire escape ladder that lead to the roof. They would always go up there to hide from the producer when he needed them to record something. Just to mess with him, those were the good days. Joe tested to see if the ladder was still stable after years of wear and tear. As they reached the top of the building, they wiped their hands on their jeans, which were now covered in rust.

"Hey look at this." Pete said as he pulled a box from under an air vent. "Can't believe it's still here." He said going through what it contained. Patrick walked over to him and pulled out a bottle of red spray paint.

"What were you going to do with all this." Patrick asked examining the bottle.

"In case George pulled shit like this I was gonna trash the place and tag the building." Pete answered shoving the box back in its spot. He stood up and kicked the vent angrily.

"We need to do SOMETHING!" Pete yelled pulling his hair. "We will." Patrick said leaning on the vent. He was planning something and the rest of Fall Out Boy could see it on his face.

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