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"FUUUUUUCK!" Pete screamed as the car rolled at least three times. They clutched the roof handle bars and the side of the doors. As the car finally stopped, Patrick started hyperventilating. He looked over as he grasped the handle tightly and saw Pete was knocked out. Seeing his friend out cold sent him into a deeper panic. He couldn't stop shaking, but once he calmed down enough he kicked out the the rest of the shattered passenger window and climbed out since the door was too mangled to open.

He ran over tho the drivers side and tried to open the door, but couldn't even find the handle. Instead, he went to the back driver side door and opened the door. He reached through the narrow space and made his seat lean back all the way so he was practically laying down. Patrick quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled him into the back seat.

"Come on Pete. Wake up already." Patrick mumbled, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"I'm just messing with you." Pete opened his eyes smiling. "You sick little bitch!" Patrick yelled letting go of his friend who was now fully awake. Pete climbed out of the car and reached in to grab Patrick's hat.

"Don't ever give up that easily like you did back there." Pete said handing Patrick his fedora.

"I usually don't if it's concerning other peoples' well being." He said crossing his arms as we walked towards Joe's house, which was close by.


"You know what I mean." Patrick said as they ran up to Joe's porch.

They had a moment of silence before Joe answered the door. It gave them time to process what just happened. Pete busted out laughing and Patrick couldn't help but laugh a little even though he felt sick to his stomach.

Joe answered the door after what seemed like forever. "Woah, you guys look like shit. What happened?" Joe said. Hearing this sent Patrick into another one of his hyperventilating fits again. He was terrified after the previous incidents, but was hiding his emotions from Pete.

Patrick sat in the kitchen trying to calm down. He drank three bottle of water already and was finally starting to realize what actually happened.

Pete and Joe sat in the living room out of ear shot. Pete was telling him about everything that had happened. Patrick edged around the corner and listened in on the conversation. "Do you think they already know?" Joe asked.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the door as if it was going to open itself. They all held their breath, wondering who it could be. "It's me. Andy!" He said knocking on the door again.

Patrick walked into the bathroom. He didn't need to hear the story repeated, it was enough living it.

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