Make a Career Out of Robbing Banks

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The clock struck 12:30 am as they pulled into the studio parking lot. After the long ride in the car, Pete and Patrick both calmed down enough for what was about to go on. Joe walked up to the front door and opened it, knowing George never locked it because of his habit of forgetting a key.

Pete snuck in first, shortly followed by Andy, Patrick, and Joe. They took no time in destroying the small recording studio. Glass was shattered, computers were bashed, equipment was broken.

After getting all of their anger out, they sat in the mess, realizing what they had done. "Well there's no going back now. What's our next move?" Joe asked picking up a shard of glass. "Maybe wait a day or so. Then I'll surrender." Patrick answered pulling his knees to his chest.

Pete almost started to protest, but Andy stopped him. They figured he just needed time to cool off, then he might come to his senses. They all sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to soak everything in.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" Patrick asked digging in his jacket pocket. He slowly pulled out a lighter, with a certain twinkle in his eye. A small grin spread across their faces.

They made a huge pile in the center of the room, mostly wooden desks and chairs. Patrick threw the flame into the pile, and they all ran out. Pete ran over to the brick wall and sprayed a music note really big in black paint. They all got into the car and drove off from the flames.

"Patrick, why are you so set on this ridiculous plan?" Pete asked getting out of the car. They had just arrived at a nearby motel. They planned to stay a couple of nights and see how everything played out. "It's the only plan we got Pete." Patrick said making his way the the entrance.

Andy gave Pete a look to tell Pete now was not the time. "God Andy, when are we gonna talk about this? Two minutes before Patrick goes on this suicide mission? When it's too late?!" Pete yelled swinging open the door to the motel lobby. Silence lingered in the air the rest of that night. Nobody was sure how to respond to what Pete had said.

Everything was jumbled the next day. They don't remember much, since it was just so hectic. There was arguing, screaming, throwing, hitting, all after they watched the daily news report. On the news report, they showed the vandalism in the studio. The screen flashed images of other riots. Then Patrick eventually stormed out, walking as far away as he could from them.

The air was cold as ice. Rain fell from the sky like bullets, causing Patrick to take shelter in a nearby winter attire store. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a ski mask, giving him an idea the other band members wouldn't like.

He ran outside to use the pay phone near the building. In a panic, he started dialing the news station number. After the phone rang for a while, someone finally answered. "Boy, do I have a story for you." Patrick said his heart beating unusually fast.

It was awkwardly quiet in the hotel room until finally Joe suggested they should go see where Patrick went. Pete accidentally sat on the remote while trying to put his shoes on. The TV turned on, still set on the news station.

"There has reportedly been a bank robbery in the area. Our reporter, Rebecca is at the scene now." The screen changed to show the bank down the road from their hotel. "Thank you, John. Lead singer of the punk rock band Fall Out boy, Patrick Stump, has recently been reported of being involved with a bank robbery. He is currently holding hostages in the bank now. The band has been causing a lot of trouble lately, being considered 'The Rebellion Leaders', though officials didn't consider them a threat...until now."

Patrick's picture popped up on the screen, then cut to live scenes outside the bank. The rest of the band ran out of the hotel and sped to the bank. They got there just before they started to hear sirens in the distance. Black vans were pulling in the same time. Government officials stepped out, holding guns.

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