Blurry memories

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I can't believe we have reached 301 readers for Hallway Angel! I am so excited and honored that you all are enjoying the story. There are a few chapters left till part 3 of the story and then it's done. So thank you all for this achievement, I really did not expect to get any readers what-so-ever. So this is very surprising. Anyway that's about it and now back to you're scheduled chapter.

Chapter 35

Spark P.O.V

I was able to convince Dan to stay for the rest of the night at headquarters. Right now he is up in his room sleeping. I don't understand why I feel relieved whenever I know he is just a few feet away. I was still in my office trying to remember anything that could have something to do with the General but since Dan and I were separated at a certain time when we were younger and during that time he was able to meet Nami and Mist along with the General and Dark. Also to add more to the equation I had lost most of my memory when I was twelve.


I was walking along with the rest of the group of people on the streets in NewYork. The sun was already going down which was my indication that I was on time to meet up with an old friend of mine who called me earlier that day and told me that he found someone that said he knew who I was. Though it's kinda weird for a twelve year old to be walking at night in a city like NewYork but no one asked me what I was doing or where I was going. I continued to make my way to Central Park and I continued to think who the person was. Once I was at the park I approached the bench where my friend and I would normally meet up at. Though this time it was fairly different. There were two figures sitting on the bench and they were surrounded by a group of older kids. They looked to be freshmen from the high school, this group of guys in particular had a reputation of messing with the middle school kids or sometimes even the fifth graders. I never attended school so I was never bothered by the group of guys. Using this to my advantage I actually was invited to join they're group but denied. As I approached the group of people one of the high school students noticed me.

"Hey look it's Spark" said one of the guys.

The rest of the group turned to face me. "What are you doing 'round here Spark?" Asked another guy.

"I could ask you the same thing Tommy" I replied

Tommy chuckled. "Were just here dealing with a couple of runts who invaded our territory." He said

"We aren't runts" said the kid sitting on the bench"

"Yeah you are" said another member of the group. "If Tommy says you're runts then you is"

"You guys are suppose to be freshmen right?" Asked the kid. "Then I bet you're failing English" he said

A couple of the group members "oh" ed at the comment while I quietly chuckled. I got closer to the group to get a better view of the two kids sitting on the bench

"You better be careful on what you say runt, or else you'll end up like you're little friend" said Tommy.

"What did you guys do?" I asked.

Tommy waved his hand to the group and they made room for me to get closer and see they're work. I was shocked at what I saw. There on the bench was a kid that looked to be eleven years old and sitting right next to him, covered in blood, was my friend that called me this morning. It's then that I notice the kid is wearing a white mask that is slightly crooked and covered with a bit of blood, his shirt was also stained with blood, and his arms were covered in cuts and bruises.

"Why?" I ask

"To show them that they have to respect they're superiors" said Tommy with a grin.

"I'll take him off you're hands" I said

"Really?" Asked Tommy

"Sure besides what use do you have for him?" I ask

"True. Alright deal but you have to finish him off here" said Tommy.

I sigh. "Alright." I said as I slowly approached the kid. I looked at the kid and saw that he had short brown hair which seemed fairly familiar to me.

"I'm not going to hurt you" I say in my mind hoping that by some miracle he will be able to hear me.

"Ok." Replies a voice. I am surprised and then I look at the kid. He has a slight smile on his face that I can fairly see thanks to the crookedness of his mask.

I shake my head and chuckle a bit.

"What's taking so long?" I hear Tommy ask.

"You can't rush things like this" I reply

"What killing a person?" He asks

"No, escaping" I said as I quickly turn around and punch Tommy in the jaw. At that same moment the kid on the bench stands up and throws something to the other group members.

"That should stun them for a bit" I hear him say.

"Let's go" I say

"I can't" he says

"Why?" I ask

He looks at his leg and it's then that I notice he is only standing on one. He must've injured his other leg

"For the love of- ok hang on" I say as I walk towards the kid and pick him up. "Hang on tight" I say and I start running away from the group.

I finally set the kid down when I feel like we have gone away far enough from the group. I stop and hide us under a bridge.

"I-I think were safe." I say as I catch my breath.

"Thanks Spark" says the kid.

"How do you know my name?" I ask him

"Well I heard the guys say it plus we've met before" he replies

"Really, when?" I ask

The boy uses the wall of the bridge to help him up. It then that I actually get a good look at his mask.

"Dan?" I ask

"Hi bro" he replies

"There they are" I hear a voice yell out. One by one the same group of guys approach us.

"Don't worry I'll keep us safe" I tell him

"No it's my turn to keep us safe" he says

"But Dan you're injured" I reply

He shakes his head. "I'm fine" he says as he slowly places his leg down

"Not gonna happen, don't worry I got this" I say

"I'm sorry Spark" I hear him say then something hits me in the head and I black out.

*End FlashBack*

The rest is a blur until another memory of when I'm fourteen. Apparently after that one night Dan and I were separated once more until we found each other. I've made sure after that experience that we would never be separated.

"You should probably go to sleep" says a voice from behind me.

I chuckle. "Can't"

He sighs. "What's bothering you?" He asks

"Life" he says

"Look my mission is almost done and right when we finish we can go back home" he says

"Promise?" I ask

"Of course" he replies

"Ok" I say

"Good now go to sleep. Tomorrow is Mist's birthday" he says

I nod. "Yeah"

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