Drunk On Forgotten Old Forgotten Love

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Ashley's pov

"Hey Ash. Feel like going out with me and the guys tonight?" Cc asked me. "Huh?" I asked, being pulled out of my daze. I looked at him and he shook his head, sighing. "I asked if you feel like going out with me and the guys tonight" He repeated. "Oh" I said, standing up from the bean bag I was sitting in. "Nah. I think I'm gonna head off to the hospital" I told him. "Again?" He asked. I look at him as I walked to the hallway and grabbed my coat and keys. "Yeah, C. Again" I told him, grabbing the doorknob as I did so. "You had a nightmare again, didn't you?" He asked, making me freeze in my place. "He died, C. I can't stand the thought of him possible slipping away when I'm not around. Or even in general" I told him, still remaining in the same position; my head turnt to the door and hand on the doorknob. I felt his hand on my shoulder. "It's been 3 months.. I'm sorry to say this but.. Andy's not coming back, Ash" He told me. I sighed. "Have fun with the boys" I said as I finally made a move and made my way out the door.

I fiddled with my keys as I stared at our dark red pick up just standing there. I bit my bottom lip as flashes of the events of that night replayed in my head.

"I'll drive" Andy stated, snatching the keys from my hands.

"I can't believe you fucking dragged me into another party. I didn't even want to go. All I ever do when we go out is play taxi for your drunk ass"

"Gosh Ashley. Stop staring. You're distracting me"

"Honestly Ashley, you disgust me. All you do is drink, use me as a taxi and a fucking sex toy or something like that and then you come around and try to tell me you love me"

"Ashley I don't even care anymore!"

"Here you go! I don't want your stupid ring anyways!" He yelled as he turnt towards me, releasing the steering wheel, taking off the silver ring with a black diamind on it and throwing it at me.

The next thing I remember is Andy turning towards the road again and letting out a bloody scream. When I looked in front of me, I saw headlights blinding both me and Andy as a car came crashing into us.

It's all my fault. I dragged him to that party. I was drunk wich was the whole point of that fight. If it weren't for me being drunk we wouldn't have had that fight and Andy wouldn't have been distracted. For now, I shook the thought and opened the garage door, smiling at my bike.

I walked in, getting on it. "Well hi, beauty" I mumbled before letting the engines roar to life and leaving, quickly pressing the button on my remote to close the garage door.

It took me about 10 minutes to get to the hospital. As I walked into the hospital, I sniffed up the air. The scent of medicine and anti-bacterial soap almost felt like home to me. I passed the front desk, greeting the new employee sitting there. I made my way through the hallways as I already knew where Andy's room was.

Just as always, I stopped in front of the door. I knocked, hoping to hear the words "Come in!" from my beloved other half. But once again, I was dissapointed when no answer came. I opened the door and got in to see Andy laying in the same position he has been in for 3 months.

Emotions once again overwhelmed me but I controlled myself as I took in a deep breath and walked to the corner of the room, sitting in my usual chair. I sat there, looking at him. My hands folded together. "My precious princess" I whispered to myself. "Fallen so deep in her pretty pink castle" I continued, scanning his entire body. "So deep.. Not even her prince could reach" I then ended my little line I said every time I got here.

I got up and moved my seat to the side of Andy's bed. I sat down again and grabbed his hand. I gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Fuck, Andy.. I love you so much you have no idea" I told him. I knew he couldn't hear me but talking to him, holding him, touching him.. It made me feel like there was still hope.. "You know.. I haven't told you this yet but I stopped drinking.. Shortly after the accident I realised you were right. I was a drunk, sex-addicted prick.. But I promise, I changed!" I brought my other hand to his hand too and smiled a little. "Haven't touched a single drop a liquor in 3 months.. Y'know I wish you were awake. Just so we could celebrate together" I said.

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