See You Tomorrow pt2

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Andy's pov

As I heard Ashley's footsteps on my stairs I realised I couldn't reach him anymore. I looked at the ring in my hand and as I heard the motor of his car roaring to life I walked to my window. I placed my hand against the glass as I watched him speed away. I fell down on my bed and stared at the ring.

"I can't take this" I repeated. "What is that supposed to mean? Was he.. Was he breaking up with me? On our anniversary?" I questioned aloud. "No wait.. If he would've broken up with me why would he have done all those cute things?" I heard a knock on my door and sat up. "Yes?" I asked. The door slowly opened to reveal my mom. "Hi, Andy.. I'm sorry I came barging in like that just a minute ago" She said. "It's okay mom.." I mumbled. "Are you okay? And where is Ashley? Did.. Did something go wrong? Honey, do I need to call the doctor? I mean I know it's unusual to talk about such things going wrong with your mom but-" "what? No! Mom stop!" I semi-yelled. "Nothing happened.. Like that" I said. "Oh?" She questioned as she walked in, closing the door behind her. I sighed. "Ashley ran off.. And I don't know why" I honestly told her. She looked at me confused. "Well he gave me all this cute stuff for our anniversary.. And then I gave him those rings and he started crying, gave me the ring back and ran away" I told her. "Did he say anything else?" She asked. "Well.. I had to come get some box at his place tomorrow" I told her. "Well maybe that's where you'll find the answer as to why he's being so weird" My mom said. I nodded. "You're right.. He'll give me a good explanation.. He's Ash, ofcourse he will."

My mom left my room and soon I called it a night. I fell asleep, worrying about Ashley. Thinking what might be wrong and wondering if we were still okay.

The next day I woke up and laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Soon, my mind wondered off to Ashley. I soon realised what he told me yesterday and shot up out of bed. I ran to the bathroom, pulling of my shirt and pants. I took a brief shower and when I got out, I combed through my hair and pulled on some clothes.

I walked back into my bedroom and picked the necklace with the key dangling on it up and hung it on my neck. I took my phone to see I had no messages from Ashley wich I found strange. "Maybe he's still asleep" I told myself as I walked down the stairs.

I saw my mom standing in the kitchen and smiled as I went to kiss her cheek. "Goodmorning" I greeted her. "Ah, you're up early today" She said. I hummed as I grabbed the box of fruit loops from the counter and filled up a bowl.

As I was eating, I sent Ashley a text. 'Goodmorning, boo. Hope you slept well :)).. I worried about you Ash.. ❤'

"What're you doing today?" My mom asked. I shrugged. "I'm probably going to go by Ashley's as he told me about that box" I said. She bit her lip and didn't respond. I frowned and put the spoon I was eating with down. "Mom" I said, seriously. She hummed, looked at me. "Is something wrong?" I asked her. "No, why?" She asked her voice trembling. "I know you, mom. What do you know?" I asked her.  She took a deep breath, looking away from me as she stood up and placed her place on the counter, walking into the living room. I frowned but didn't think anything about it.

I spent my day drawing, playing the guitar and singing a little, watching Tv and just hanging around the house.

By the time it was 10PM I was starting to get worried as Ashley still hadn't responded to my text. He usually texts back in 5 minutes. I took out my phone and sent him another text. 'Babe  I don't know what is going on but I'm really worried.. Please text me back ❤' My mom had gone to work and I was home alone so I decided to make myself some food. As I got into the kitchen I decided on spaghetti and as I was boiling some water, my mind wondered off to Ashley again. I smiled as I thought of him. His beautifull perky lips, his cute laugh, his almond shape eyes honey-brown eyes, his defined,thin eyebrows, his.. his everything.. A grin spread over my lips as I thought of how he acted around me. I loved his pervy side. I loved how he bit his lip whenever I gave him that look. But on the other side I loved how he could put on his adorable innocent-looking puppy face. How he could still smile like a little schoolboy. Just everything about him.

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