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Ashley's pov

It was around 3AM when I was still up, listening to Andy , as he struggled to stay quiet while his teeth grew sharper, his nails turned to claws, his eyes changed to a bright red and his skin grew even paler. I felt his bunk shift above me as he sat up and dressed himself. After he had getten up and left te bus, I quickly threw the covers off me to reveal I was still dressed. As I left the bus, I saw Andy's large silhouette in the distance.

For the last 753 days, Andy's big secret had not been a secret to me anymore. Seeing how Andy changed and hunted, fascinated me. The way he'd carefully seek out an abandoned place and how he chose his victim was actually terrifying yet I couldn't stand but follow him around.

I followed him through the city, as always, yet this night  felt different. He wasn't seeking an abandoned alley to choose an innocent victil he would then suck empty and leave to be found by authorities. No, Andy was walking straight into the busy city. I wanted to scream at him! How could he be so stupid? He knew he'd been seen! My legs shook, scared for something to happen to my friend.

There was a brief moment I thought Andy had seen me when he turned around. I jumped inside an empty alley and looked around to corner. There he stood, under one of the streetlamps. I noticed tears, shining in the light. Why was he crying? Now I surely had to follow him!

The longer we walked, the busier it got. When we reached the top of a bridge, Andy stopped. I walked closer to see what he was doing when I saw him recklessly climbing on top of the side of the brigde. No one really seemed to care but as soon as I noticed, I started running. He took a deep breath and spread his arms like an eagle. I was hoping and praying I would get there on time. My heart pounded in my chest as thousands of different scenarios crossed my mind. I ran faster than I ever did, not caring about how crazy I looked. As soon as I reached Andy, I locked my arms around him. For a second I felt him lose balance and lean forward but I used all my power I had to pull him back, onto the sidewalk. We fell to the ground together. Andy seemed surprised but as soon as his eyes locked with mine, he broke down crying. His body got limp as he completely gave into me. I ran one of my hands through his hair while the other pulled him as close to me as possible.

I waited and waited for what seemed like hours until he stopped crying. I kissed his head, whispering sweet nothings, hoping he would eventually come to his senses . After a while of just sitting here in silence, I spoke up. "Andy.. Would you please look at me?" I asked, placing a finger under his chin and trying to fuide his face towards mine so I could look at him. He shook his head. "I don't want you to see me right now, Ashy" He mumbled. "Andy. I've seen you hundreds of times in the state you are in now. Ifnyou thought you could keep this a secret for me you were dead wrong. You won't scare me away.. please" It took him a while but eventually he realised I was right and looked up at me. His bright red eyes pierced mine and I didn't say a word
"I knew you'd be scared" Andy said, looking away. "I'l not scared.. I stunned. Do you even know hiw beautiful you are?" Andy slowly looked at me, confusion clouding his gaze. "What?" I smiled. "You are beautiful, Andy. No matter what state you are in wether it be human or, not, so to speak. I've been meaning to tell you this for the longest time"

"Tell me what?" Andy interrupted me. I sighed. "Andy... I've known you for over a decade. We've surely, as any other set of good friends, had our ups and downs. But we're not just 'any other set of good friends'.. Isee you Andy. and not the fake-you you show everyone else. I see your mind, your soul. And I know what I'm feeling is mutual. It has been the longest time now that I've known your secret and I was actually waiting to see if you'd tell me. But seeing as you didn't, I'll tell you mine" Andy looked at me, his entire expression shocked yet hungry to hear what I had to say. "I'm in love with you Andrew Biersack. I always have been and I always will be. And if only you would give me a chance I know I'd make you the happiest little vampire in th entire wide world. I just need one chance to be the best boyfriend ever"

Andy smiled. "I felt so stupid all these years, hiding my feelings for you" Was all he had to say for me to understand. "Is that a yes?" I asked. Ansy nodded. "Yes, Ashy. Of course I'll be your boyfriend" He said, his face beaming with happiness.

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