Chapter One

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"Danielle, the Lester's are here to see you again." The grey haired social worker says calling over the young girl who smiles happily and walks over to see the two tall British men who she's come to adore over the past few months.

"Hi!" Danielle says and smiles hugging the boys with a big grin on her face.

"How's my little lion today?" Phil asks picking up the small girl and setting her on his hip.

"Good, I missed you guys! I haven't seen you in a long time!" Danielle complained in a whiny voice.

"I missed you more little girly." Dan chimed in, placing a little kiss on the side of Danielle's face.

The two boys and Danielle sat down at the table where she was previously coloring in a picture of a princess. The young girl hands each of them a different picture to color while they hang out for awhile.

"You know, these chairs are very small." Dan rolled his eyes sitting in the comfortably small chair meant for children, not a six-foot-four man.

"No, you're just really big, silly!" Danielle laughed and poked Dan's side gently and returned to her picture.

"So, little lion. Dan and I have been thinking for awhile, did you want to change your name because I know you don't like the feeling yours gives you?" Phil asked setting down the crayon he was using and looking over to Danielle and Dan.

"Can I pick what it is?" Danielle asked excitedly.

"Well, I think Dan has a suggestion first, if you don't like it then you can pick. Sound good?" Phil explained and she nodded looking over to Dan.

"Winnie," Dan started and she cut him off.

"I love it! Winnie, it's so cute! Like Winnie the Pooh!" She smiled wrapping her arms around Dan for the second time today.

"Then it's settled, Winnie." Dan smiled, hugging Winnie back and letting her stay like that for as long as she wanted.

Dan and Winnie hugged for awhile, Phil sat back and admired his gorgeous husband and adorable daughter sharing their first real hug. How precious, he thought as he quickly took out his phone and snapped a picture of the two and tucked it back into his pocket before anyone noticed. Winnie eventually pulled away from Dan and smiled at him before looking back down at her art, which has yet to be finished. Phil hands her the crayon she was using before, she thanks him and quickly gets back to coloring.

Phil hears the clicking of heels on the tile floors coming up behind them, but doesn't bother looking up he's too involved with his coloring and bonding with his future daughter to care. The clicking stops and he hears a loud sigh directly behind him.

"It's time to go, Daniel, Philip." The social worker says coldly before taking a step backwards allowing the three to get up from their chairs.

"No, don't go!" Winnie whines tossing her crayons onto the table.

"Winnie, we have to. Remember, the next time you see us you'll be our daughter." Dan explains crouching down to her level.

"But I don't want you to go!" Winnie cries into Dan's shoulder

"I know, Winn, but Dan and I will see you in two weeks and you'll get to come home with us. Think about the happy stuff." Phil smiles, pulling her to look at him and embraces her in his arms squeezing her tightly.

"Little lion, I love you so, so, so much don't you ever forget that. We will be back in two weeks to bring you home, okay?" Phil says and Winnie nods, wiping a tear that escaped from her bright green eyes.

"Come here, darling. Just know that I love you even more than Phil ever-" Dan starts, but Phil cuts him off.

"Nobody loves my little lion more than me," Phil says and rolls his eyes, Winnie laughs and both the boy's smile, knowing they did their job.

"Well, we love you so much more than anyone could. Winn, we will see you as soon as we can, I love you." Dan explains placing a kiss on the little ginger girl's forehead.

"This is for you two!" Winnie adds, handing the boys the picture of a princess she'd been drawing. Dan read the top of the picture "Too- the best dads ever" then he read the bottom, "Love- winnie"

"Thank you, little lion. We love it, it's gonna go right on the fridge at home." Phil smiles hugging the girl one last time.

"Hurry up, it's three minutes over time." The social worker says, ushering the boys out of the room.

"I love you, Winn." The two say in unison.

"I love you, too!" She smiles and sniffles, more tears ready to escape.

"Don't cry, love bug. We'll be back soon, I promise." Dan says quietly, yet still loud enough for her to hear.

Phil snakes his arm around Dan's waist pulling him in closer as they walk through the grey hallways of the orphan care center that they've come to know as a second home in the past months. The boys walk in silence, occasionally sneaking glances at the other to make sure neither of them are crying. Phil takes a look at Dan, his eyes puffier than before, he whispers,

"Don't cry, bear. We'll be back soon to bring her home forever, she called us her dads for the first time today, think about that. She loves us, bear, she really-" Dan cuts Phil off with a kiss.

"Your rambling was gonna make me cry," Dan grins and continues walking down the hallway, leaving a half frozen shocked Phil standing alone.

"Wait, I'm coming." Phil smiles and jogs to catch up.

Once Phil catches up, the two intertwine their fingers and kiss one last time before exiting the building and waving down a taxi to take them to their hotel.

//I want everyone to know I cried while writing this lmao//

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