Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey, Dan, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over today? We could go shopping!" Jack suggests, into the phone.

"I'll ask Phil," Dan smiles, calling out to Phil seeing what he wanted to do.

"We'll be there around ten, Phil has business to attend," Dan adds, getting out of bed to start getting ready for the day.

"See you then, bye!" Jack smiles, thinking about going out with Dan and Winnie.

Dan hangs up the call, pulling on a pair of his black ripped skinny jeans and a jumper. Checking the clock, 9:30 in the morning, he goes to wake up Winnie to help her get ready for the day. He walks into his daughter's room, seeing that she's already dressed and playing with her dolls, Phil must have gotten her ready when he got up a bit ago.

"Hey, darling," Dan pokes his head into her room.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asks, Winnie nods getting up and going over to the doorway where her dad was standing.

"Perfect!" Dan smiles, tossing Winnie into the air and catching her, carrying her to the kitchen.

Dan and Winnie go into the kitchen, where there's a big plate of pancakes on the breakfast bar and someone, Phil, sitting on a stool stuffing his face. The two take a seat on their stools, Dan serves Winnie then himself. The three make small conversations, but nothing important because everyone's too busy eating the pancakes that Phil made.

"How many got stuck to the ceiling?" Dan asks, making fun of himself from when they made pancakes for a video a long time ago.

"One or two," Phil says motioning to the greasy spots on the roof.

"I'm impressed, that's pretty good two-out-of- what 15?" Phil smiles and nods, accepting the response.

"Around that." The older boy laughs before getting up to put his dish in the sink.

Phil says goodbye to his family and leaves, headed off to a meeting with Radio 1 since they have wanted Dan and Phil to come back on the show for their new 'LGBTQ+ Series.' Dan and Winnie finish their breakfast, Dan explains that they're going to go shopping for some new stuff, since she'd been growing and needs some new clothes. After all the dishes are rinsed and put in the dishwasher, the two leave to go shopping.

Dan and Winnie don't take the car because Phil had to take it to his meeting. It's not too cold though, it's pretty warm for winter around, 13 degrees Celsius. The two walk briskly towards Jack's hotel to meet up then go shopping. Soon, they arrive and Jack is waiting in the lobby for them, as fast as they two arrive, they leave, but this time with Jack.

"Nice seeing you two, again!" Jack smiles, hugging Dan and waving at Winnie, who's still quite unsure about him.

"Likewise, Winnie, it's fine, darling," Dan says quickly, pulling Winnie out from behind him.

"Hey, Winnie, how have you been?" Jack asks, looking Winnie in the eye, she shies away from him, trying to hide again. Dan, ignoring her being shy, picks her up.

"Winn, that's rude, answer the question," Dan says sternly, trying to be parent-like.

"I'm," Winnie whispers.

"Good." She finishes.

"That's great," Jack replies, still smiling.

The three walk down the street together, making small talk. Winnie, still in Dan's arms, saying she's cold every few minutes. The two boys making conversation about what shops they want to go into. They decide on a few stores for themselves, as well as a few for Winnie.

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