Chapter 9

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(Kellins POV)

I drove home furious. I couldn't believe she laughed at me, after I told her how I felt. I've fucked everything up including our friendship. I stormed into the house and slammed the door. It was times like these I was glad I had my own place. I went to the kitchen and found a bottle of whiskey. I was just about to open it when I heard a knock at the door. why can't people just leave me alone.

I open the door and see Gabe, looking really concerned.

"kell can I come in, I need to tell you something"

"Can't it wait? I'm not in the mood for visitors"

"No it can't"

I reluctantly let him in and we sit on the couch. I turn to him, "look if this is about Skyla I don't want to - "

"She likes you Kellin, the same way you like her and she's really upset" Gabe said. "well if she really does like me, why did she laugh when I told her how I feel?"

"You know Skyla, she always laughs when things get awkward or serious"

I suddenly feel really guilty. what have I done?

"I think you know what to do" Gabe said and went outside to his car and drove off. I got out my phone and messaged Skyla. I just hoped it wasn't too late.

(Skylas POV)

I was in the bathroom cleaning myself up when I got a message. I really didn't want to talk but it might've been mum so I checked my phone. it was from Kellin: we need to talk. meet me at my place at 6.

I didn't know what to do. it was 5:30 now so I didn't have long to decide. I weighed up the pros and cons and decided to see him. I texted mum to say I was going out and I wouldn't be back till around 7:00. Then I fixed my makeup, which was smeared everywhere from crying, put on my millions of bracelets and wristbands to cover what I had done to myself, and then walked to kellins place. I knocked on the door and waited a while, then he opened it. "Hey"

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