Chapter 22

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(Kellins POV)

Today is the last day of the tour. we have a sold out show tonight and then we're back home. I'm sad and excited. it'll be weird being back home, especially not being with Skyla 24/7. We've gotten closer these last 3 months, well if that's even possible.

We were standing in the wings of the stage getting ready for the show. Skyla held my hand as Vic and I talked through what was happening. soon it was time for us to go on. Skyla kissed my cheek and I ran out with the other guys and we started playing.

I could see Skyla singing the lyrics to every song, word for word. Danielle was by her side, her baby bump starting to show and she tried to hide it with her jumper. I saw Justin wink at her and she smiled back. I swear this baby has made them love each other even more.

It was the end of the show and, after a meet and greet, we went back to the bus to get ready to leave. we had a few drinks on the bus to celebrate and then went to sleep. Skyla and I fell asleep on the couch and everyone seemed to slowly fall asleep

In different parts of the bus. Danielle was the only one who actually went to bed.

(Skylas POV)

I was woken up by Kellin kissing my head. I looked up and pecked him on the lips. I sat up on the couch and looked out the window. I saw the all familiar show grounds of our town. it was a bitter sweet moment.

After everyone got their things packed, we got in our cars and drove to our houses. Kellin dropped me off at my place and then headed to his mums house. well not before kissing me goodbye, which took a while.

I walked inside and was immediately was pulled into a hug by mum. she was crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm just so happy to see you" she said as she wiped away her tears. we sat on the couch and I told her all about the tour. she was shocked when I told her about Danielle, but was soon as happy as we all were for her.

I went upstairs and unpacked my things. I found a photo of Kellin and I which we took when we were out for lunch one time. I put it in a frame next to my bed and felt instantly happy. of course I has people from school messaging me, suddenly wanting to be friends. I just laughed and ignored them.

It felt weird being at home after 3 months on the road. I knew I would adjust sooner or later. I had a shower, got changed and went downstairs where mum had bought pizza. we ate and then watched movies. Never would I have thought I would be watching movies with my mum but I guess people change.

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