Chapter 24

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(Skylas POV)

It's been a few months since we got off tour and not much has really happened. Justin and Danielle bought a house together and can't wait till their little boy is born.

Gabe has finally decided to settle down with a girl named Sophie. she's really nice and not to mention one of the prettiest girls I've ever met. Jesse and Jack still go out and party every night and honestly, they are hilarious when they're drunk.

I see Kellin everyday and I'm surprised we're not sick of eachother. He is the most adorable guy ever and he tells me he loves me every single day. I moved into his place a few weeks ago and even though it was sad not living with mum, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Today we're going to visit Justin and Danielle at their new house. As soon as we walked in I was pulled into a massive hug by Danielle.

"Hello to you too" I laughed as she let me go.

"Sorry, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" she said.

"Hey Sky" Justin said and I was, again, pulled into a hug.

"Hey" I said.

Kellin and Justin decided to watch some football and have a few beers while Danielle showed me the baby's room.

"Wow" I said when I walked in. The walls were painted blue with white clouds and the floorboards were all polished. There was a wooden crib with rocket ship sheets and a teddy bear sitting in the corner.

"Thanks. it took a while to do but Justin did most of it" she said laughing.

We stayed at their place for a few hours until Kellin got really drunk so I convinced him to come home with me. When we got home, Kellin stumbled and fell onto the couch.

"Sky?" he yelled at me from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I said, knowing he didn't know what he was saying.

"Your really pretty" he slurred.

"Thankyou Kellin, now go to sleep" I laughed

"Okay" he said and soon he was snoring away.

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