New Start:::chapter one

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/////Your POV/////
I looked in the mirror to see my (hair length or H/L) (color) hair was drenched in blood, more blood dripping from my nose, cuts and bruises on my arms and back, and scars on my stomach. My dad had abused me ever since mom and sis left and I couldn't take it anymore. I quietly poked my head out from the bathroom to see him asleep on the couch with empty bottles of alcohol surrounding him. I quickly ,but quietly, go up to my room and pack my (color) backpack with clothes, chips, water and dads money that I stole from his safe. I began going out the window so I don't wake my excuse of a father up.

When I'm outside I run to the bus stop and buy a ticket to Phoenix Drop. Why there? Well because that's where mom told me they would go. Of course this was a secret we couldn't let dad know he'd try and steal aph back. I wait awhile when a bus finally appears I give the nice lady my ticket and sit by the window. Laying my head against the glass in attempt to get some sleep. After what seem like an hour my eyes begin to close and everything goes black....

(Time skip brought to u by weenies)

"Hun wake up it's your stop" a sweet voice said shaking me a bit. My eyes begin to flutter open "oh umm thank u miss" I curved my lips to a smile to say thanks. She smiled back and I got off and walked along the side walk. When I realized I had to hide my cuts so I grab a (color) hoodie from my backpack in and put it on after awhile I decided to take a break from walking and sit in the park I sat on a bench when I heard a voice of a angry woman and a teenager that sounded oh to familiar. "Aphmau~ wait are those boys?!?!! HEY STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!!"

"Mooooommmmm" wait aphmau I run up to the raven haired girl with amber eyes and hugged her from behind "umm...h-hello?" Aph looked at me confused as I released her "Aph it's me (name)! Your sister I ran away."

Suddenly she grabbed me and cried in my chest "I..missed he...hurt you?" She said between sobs "ye he hurt me a lot but don't worry I'm here now...can I come back home with you and mom?" I asked with hope. "Of course come on we gotta get in the car" we walk over to the car and I get in the front because aph wants me to reunite with mom

when I get in moms eyes widen and a tear falls from her face. I make a sad smile "hi mom..." I say quietly "(name)! Is it really you?" She asked she had hope, disbelief, anger, and guilt in her eyes "yea it is I ran away from him because he kept hurting me" "I'm so sorry..." "it's fine" the rest of the ride was pretty quiet other then aph singing IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOO at the top of her I miss being with these guys I love them so much there a real family to me not dad he's evil!...

(Time skip to when u get to house bc I can)

When we arrive at ther-I mean our house we immediately go to the kitchen I was staving I haven't ate all day. Mom made me (food) and it was so good I cried tears of joy aph takes me upstairs and says I can stay in the guest room/my room. I lay on the bed the mattress is sooooo soft I began to shut my eyes and drift off to sleep thinking about how great things will be now.

///did u like it?? Hope u did or whatever not like I care ya Baka! But goodbye kittins!🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍩🍩 video by Herminergirl_x

The New Werewolf:::Dottie/Rylan/Daniel x reader {Completed} [book one] /PDH/Where stories live. Discover now