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Aphmaus POV::::::::::
Omi were really here I lovvvveee Olive Garden!!! I can't believe Blaze hit on (name) though I asked him here to get her to like the pups! I should have asked Aaron or Laurence!! Nice going Aph. I mentally sighed. Oh well I can still fix this. (Name) finished talking to the front desk. He lead us to a table in the corner for 6.
Your POV::::::::::::::::::
I sat at the edge by my  sis we ordered I got breads, (food), and (drink). I finished half my drink before the food even came! Wow nice going me! I mentally sighed. "Hey guys I'm going to the bathroom anyone else need to go?" I said getting up. Aph shook her head no. I looked over to Dottie she smiled and stood up. I smiled back and we started walking towards the bathroom. Once we were out of sight from the others Dot healed my hand. I felt my face warm I knew that I must be cherry at this point! "So (name) what do you like to do for fun?" She asked we walked in the bathroom there was no one else there. 'Weird this place is packed and no ones using the bathroom!!?' "Umm..well I used to sing when my dad was asleep so he wouldn't...get mad"

-----Flashback to when your 10----           TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️ --------
She was hiding in behind the staircase in the secret bathroom. No it's not magic or anything like that it's secret because her 'father' can't find it. It would be dinner if my mom were still here instead She got him! He wakes her up in the morning with a baseball bat. Shes a werewolf so She can tolerate pain but it still hurts...he feeds her bread and some yogurt in the morning making her eat the rest at school, luckily, she had a boyfriend Ein he was really nice! (Name) finished wiping the blood off her bruises and cuts. She put her ear against the door she would use her werewolf ones but they only come out when she's really mad. She heard snores 'great him and those whores are asleep' why did I say whores? Well because ever since mom left dad would beat, cut, and starve me but those weren't the worst...one time while She was eating lunch he grabbed his back and knocked me out cold. She. woke up with only my bra and underwear on he was taking...PiCTureS!! (Name) stoped thinking about that as She felt tears rolling down my cheeks. She looked outside of the room it's been about an hour since dinner walk to the living room to see him drunk and asleep with Them-__- what were these woman doing with there lives. She quickly and quietly run outside and walk towards Ein's house. when (Name) got there She saw he was in the backyard She walked around the house only to see him..KISSING EVERN MY BFF!! (Name) cried "E-Ein How. Could. You. I hate you!" She ran fast But heard them calling my name but (Name) ignored!"

End of flashback----///////

Dotties POV:::::::::::::::::
I looked at (name) she was crying. I knew she must have thought of something that hurt her. How do I help! I want-no I need to comfort her! I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.

Your POV::::::::::::::
I cried I felt cold, lonely, sad all those things I felt before I left. That's when I felt warmth something inside me felt nice and bubbly what was it? I open my eyes to see Dottie hugging me I smiled and blushed a bright shade of pink. she knew I was hurt and she helped? At my old school everyone would bully me calling me 'crybaby' 'cutter' 'slut' but those cuts were from my dad...i feel excepted for once in my life. I feel my arms wrap around Dot. When she pulled away the warmth on the outside left but not on the inside. I wonder why? "You all good now" she asked wiping the tears from my cheeks I nodded she smiled and we walked back to the others.

You sit in your seat and start eating your food. "Hey (name)!" I looked up at Daniel "huh?" "Aph wants you to become Alfa!" He said excitedly but then his face changed..why did this make you feel sad as well?! "What's wrong?" "Eins the Alfa male" you felt your ears come out but your eyes didn't change.

"I'll do it" everyone was shocked "w-what" Rylan stammered I smiled sweetly my ears disappearing "I will be Alfa! Only to protect aphmau from...Ein" when she said his name it was laced in venom

"BABE, YOUR A WEREWOLF!!!" Blaze said shocked. You smirked and nodded "my furry ears only come out when I'm mad tho."

You looked at the moon and sighed walking home with the others. You felt a hand grab yours it was soft and gentle u look up to see Daniel you blush lightly, smiling at him "your a good person" you have him a confused look he blushed slightly red "umm...well you help people! Like your sister and me you helped me with bully's and her with...him" you giggled softly playfully punching his shoulder. That warm bubbly feeling was back! Mother of Irene why won't it go away!!

-----Time skip to home-----

We walk inside mom was out but left us pizza "hey babe you wanna slice?" I chucked. The others rolled there eyes I shook my head no "ok everyone go to rooms" Aph said we all went upstairs.

Me, Rylan, and Dottie were sleeping in my room the rest in aphs. Dottie was already asleep however you go to sleep really late you were kind of a night owl (if your not now you are just a fact I'm writing this at 10:23 rn and I have school tomorrow so...XD) I looked over at Ry he was asleep too! 'Ah dangit' suddenly I felt arms protectively wrap around me I blushed as my (color) eyes met with Rylan's closed ones but this was comfortable

I snuggled up to him and I as I started to drift asleep that feeling it was back. 'These people have changed me was it for better or worse?'
Darkness fills my eyes as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

A/n hope you liked this is if you picked a game with blaze in it so yeah I'll make another one tomorrow or the day after luv you guys Bai! ❤️❤️❤️🍪🍪🍪🍩🍩🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪Kawaii~~~~idk good bye XD by herminergirl_x

The New Werewolf:::Dottie/Rylan/Daniel x reader {Completed} [book one] /PDH/Where stories live. Discover now