A/n OMG also new book? PLS READ

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You guys are the best!! I didn't think this story would be very good! Anyway I'm thinking of a schedule so here it is:
Tuesday: The new werewolf
Thursday:Aaron's twin sister:::???xreader
Saturday: The new werewolf

That's what it will be if I'm not sick/busy and if I am I'll try to get it the day after! Anyway here's some ideas witch do u guys like the most? Who's the character you will date?
---Daniel--I meant Rylan there XD
Comment which one you want btw there will be a Travis's sister with different characters but this is for Ultima so I need starlight people. XD

The New Werewolf:::Dottie/Rylan/Daniel x reader {Completed} [book one] /PDH/Where stories live. Discover now