Im so sorry please forgive me!

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I'm very sorry I haven't updated this summer I'll update as much as possible I've just been really focused on school lately because I have a C in math and if I don't get a B my grandpa will be pissed.

Not only that but I've recently been having writers block if anyone knows a way to help that tell me please but I will be doing my best to update in the future it's just been a stressful year. 2018 already sucks...

Also is anyone else concerned with these cringe ppl on musically!!?

Remember I'm a potato, I'm forever alone, and I love you alllllllll GOOD DAY/Night/afternoon

Remember I'm a potato, I'm forever alone, and I love you alllllllll GOOD DAY/Night/afternoon

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The New Werewolf:::Dottie/Rylan/Daniel x reader {Completed} [book one] /PDH/Where stories live. Discover now