It's him

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1 week before break-up

My body was sprawled out on my super funky sponge-bob-square-pants double bed. I had been talking to my gorgeous friend Scarlet on the phone for almost an hour.

She was giggling like a mad idiot about a guy she met in Kmart.

"He was so- uhhh. Dreamy." I could hear the smile in her immobilized state of mind. I couldn't take her seriously.

I could tell the conversation was only going to be focused on this 'hot guy' for the next fifteen minutes, so I decided to fuel her hunger on cute boy conversation. "What was this cute guy's name?" I asked in a tired tone.

"I think it was Er-" She was cut off by the sound of my phone getting a message -ding! And boy did my heart skip a beat when I saw who it was that messaged me.

Nyjah Baker sent you a message

"Oh my god!" I gasped with a huge smile.

I heard Scarlet snap out of her dreamy trance. "What is it?" She asked sounding a little concerned.

I started giggling in excitement; butterflies became unsettled in my stomach. "It's him." I exhaled in relief.

"Aww!" I heard her say like it's the cutest thing in the world. "Well I better let you go, tell me what he said and what you did later babe."

"Okay gorgeous. Talk soon." I couldn't wait to hang up the phone, I was so excited I even hung up on her before she could say a proper goodbye.

As soon as the call was finished I opened messenger and checked the message Nyjah had sent me. Im so keen to see you xx. I smiled like an idiot at that, my heart skipping a beat. He makes me so happy.

I replied. Aww when do you want to see me? X. It was a couple minutes until he replied and I stared at the white screen.

- Ding!


At that I got off my bed grabbing my phone and ran down the hall to my mum's room. "Mum I'm going to Scarlets's house, what time do you want me home?" I lied with a sweet smile. I didn't want mum to worry about me being with a boy. She's so depressed she can't even get out of bed.

She groaned from under her thick pile of blankets covering her body from the Winter chill. "Uhg. Just be home by eleven." She groaned with a tired tone. I nodded and left the house putting my coat and my Doc Martens on.

I raced out with a smile. The cold wind bit my bare face and my nose felt raw and runny.

Nyjah lives on the other side of town but I didn't mind walking. It gave me time to think.

I looked up at the sky that was scattered with clouds. It made me smile. Then my heart sank a little, the winter sky reminded me of Reece. The times we used to lay in the grass and search the sky to make shapes out of the clouds. the shock of his death had made my world topple over. I felt isolated without him, my big brother, gone. Reece past away in a car accident two years ago, since he had left, my family has never been the same. My mum can't get out of bed. My dad left us. And I- I don't go a day without thinking about him, without missing him. The emptiness inside me is excruciating

- Ding!

I looked down at my phone. Two unread messages. I unlocked my phone (my password is cat) which still makes me giggle when I think about Scarlet changing my password last week.

I opened Scarlet's message first. Marcy be safe, use protection beb ;) xo. It made me laugh and I replied with an 'I will!' and a few hearts and kisses.

I then I opened Nyjah's message. Are you almost here? X. I locked my phone and turned the corner to Nyjah's house with butterflies in my stomach.

His house is an adorable country home, with white walls and cream blinds and posts. It has a beautiful green garden. Lots of trees and bushes.

I walked up the stairs to his front door biting my lip nervously. knock, knock, knock.

It took a couple of minutes for him to answer. But when the door opened I blushed. Wow! He was topless in baggy grey trackies. His body is slim, and his abs, oh the abs! His shoulders are wide and super tan from so much time out in the sun. Typical skater boy. He was always wearing singlets. Even on days like today when you could see your warm breath in front of you and the chill nips at your cheeks.

His hair is a little ruffled but it looks- so hot!
My heart sped up. He stepped out of the door into the cold and embraced me. We stood there for a little while, with his arms around my waist. His body felt so warm and comforting. "I'm here." I whispered, replying to his message in person. He chuckled.

He pulled back, gave me a cheeky smile and dragged me inside.


J.R.Cox ForeverEternity-

Hey Guuuuuuurlz!! So what do you think so far? Boys tend to break girls hearts... lets be honest. We all know that's true! But there are lovely guys out there too ❤

I can't wait to share Marcy's story with you all! So excited.

So tell me, what is it you want to get out of this story? OH AND... I have to admit I am not- the most funniest bubbly person ever! and I do run out of funny lines to put in. So if you have something cheeky that will give people a giggle send me a message! Comment!? I want to hear it all! :D Xx

Thank you sooo Much for Reading!


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