It is only Monday

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days until break-up

I woke up to the fright of my alarm. It blasted in my ear and jolted me awake.

The first thing I did, as soon as I turned off my alarm was check my messages. Still, Nyjah hadn’t messaged me. Please don’t play me. I opened Scarlet’s message, I forgot to tell her about my day with my boy, but I can’t be bothered to reply. I can always tell her today at school.

I got up and changed into my school uniform. It consisted of a thick fabric coming to my knees. It’s white with flannel blue stripes. I hated these crummy school dresses, the buttons on them break all the time and so do the zip pockets. Piece of crap.

I went through to the kitchen which had the morning sun beaming through the window. I grabbed the cereal off the bench and poured both cereal and milk into a clean bowl.

I gulped it down pretty fast as I raced out of the room to my bedroom I slammed into a thick body. “What the fuck!” Escaped out of my mouth.

“Watch your mouth young lady.” His deep voice vibrated in my ears.

“Who are you?” I asked impatiently.

He stared at me for a while. “Well. I’m your mum’s boyfriend.”

“My mum doesn’t even leave her bed, how could she get a boyfriend?” I asked frustratingly. I crossed my arms wanting to get passed this fat man.

“Oh well.” He shrugged and pushed passed me to get some food.

“Hey!” I gave up on this fat man and trailed off to my room. I brushed my beach waved dark hair out letting it dangle to my breasts. It looked beautiful.

I put on some thin make-up that complimented my bright blue eyes, before leaving I gave myself a once-over, just checking myself out one last time. When I was happy with how I looked I left with my phone in my pocket and my bag on my back.

When I got to school I was bombarded by Scarlet and the posse, they shot 40 million questions at me like my life was the most fascinating story they hadd ever heard.

“So, what happened Marce?” Rachel asked with her brown eyes on mine.

“Well. We kissed, he made me laugh… you know, just the usual stuff.” They all looked a little disappointed. “What?” I asked.

“You didn’t have sex?” Scarlet asked a little confused.

“Nope.” I confirmed.

We were sprawled out in the bean bags Mrs Kemp had put in the corner of the library for students.

“Well that’s a surprise.” Said Sarah with a smirk. “Nyjah isn’t one to wait on that.” She was right; Nyjah has a reputation for getting around. It didn’t scare me, but I am a virgin. I’m not exactly ready for sex yet though.

“Well enough about Nyjah! I met a REALLY cute guy at K-mart yesterday. He was beautiful!” Scarlet smiled widely. All the girls nodded in agreement as she showed them his Facebook profile.

“Dayum.” Rachel said dramatically.

“I know.” Scarlet agreed dreamily.

I huffed blowing my fringe out of my face. I was tired of hearing the same old boring 'cute boy' stories. “So… my mum grounded me.” I said uneasily. All the girls turned heads from Scarlets phone screen.

“What?” They all said shocked.

“Yeah, for staying out late at Nyjah’s and lying to her. Fucking moo, I say.” I rolled my eyes. (We say moo when we think certain people are cows).

Sarah crossed her arms and gave me an irritated look that made me shudder. “Tell me you’re going to the party this Saturday!”

“Um… I doubt it.” I leaned back in the green beanbag and heard the little Styrofoam balls shift around beneath me.

Rachel threw her hands up. “But Megan Hex’s 18th is the biggest party of the year! Everyone will be there! Even Nyjah!” Rachel whined.

“Well tell that to my mum! And Nyjah probably won’t be there… he doesn’t like drunk people and he hates crowds…” I winced.

I could hear Sarah grow more passionate about the subject trying to manipulate the problem. “Well- all the better to go. You could… hook up with a few guys, and get that player off your mind.” She groaned.

“He’s not a player.” I said defensively crossing my arms. I saw all three girls lifted their eyebrows and mimmicked me crossing their arms in disbelief.

“He is.” They all said at the same time. I rubbed my temples; my patience with these girls was wearing thin.


First period was with Mrs Heightens, the most annoying woman on this planet. Her voice is like a car alarm that no one will turn off.

She started talking about the periodic table and I swear everyone fell to sleep on that note. If it weren’t for her freaking voice I would have done the same.

20 minutes past and I felt someone pat me on the shoulder. It was a guy, his name is Michael. I have a few classes with him. He’s an average guy, with an average build, and average face, and average hair. He’s nothing more, nothing less than average.

“What?” I whispered.

He winked and passed me a note.

I accepted it and turned back around unravelling the folded piece of paper.

I can’t believe you’re not going to the party this Saturday.

It won’t be the same without you.

Xx Michael

I hardly knew Michael, we'd had a few chats here and there and had been lab partners once. He isn't a bad guy, but I found it starnge he cared so much about my appearance at the party.

I smiled a little at his compliment; I considered sneaking out, but then shook the thought out of my head. It is only Monday, and I can talk mum out of it by Saturday.


 It was lunch now and I’d messaged Nyjah telling him that I was grounded, I looked up and I noticed Jay was smiling at me. He’s one of the fittest guys in the school. All this attention from boys was confusing me. “Why is Jay Jackson staring at me like that?”

Rachel and Scarlet followed my gaze to Jay who was still staring straight at me as he sat at the ‘popular table’ by the fountain. I noticed that not only Jay was staring at me. But all the boys at the table were.

“Maybe he wants to bang.” Sarah said sarcastically without turning her head to look at him.

I scoffed at her comment. Jay Jackson does not want to bang me, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t, and he can’t. I shook my head letting Sarah know I didn’t agree with her.

“That’s weird, maybe he just has the stares.” Scarlet said with a questioning tone.

“No, something weird is going on.”

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