Get off it

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I went to period 5 in a rush. I’d been talking with the girls too long and I was now late to general math with Mr Goodman. Ran into class practically throwing all the contents of my cluttered folder onto the desk. I heard a few laughs around the classroom but I just shrugged it off.

“Marceline.” Mr Goodman growled as he stared at the mess I’d made.

I looked up and nodded at the mess with a teasing smile. “Sorry I’m late.”

He cleared his throat and walked back to the front of the class, I could see he was watching me in his peripherals as I shoved the big heap back into my folder.

“Class, as I was saying…” He trailed off raising an eyebrow in my direction. “You have an exam a week from now. On Monday, so bring your graphics calculator.”

There were groans that rumbled the room and my head fall from my shoulders to the desk in an overly-exaggerated cry.

“Class-” Mr Goodman tried calming us but there were still mutters and carry ons. “Class” He repeated sternly. Everybody in the room was still groaning and complaining about the exam. “CLASS!” I’d never heard a teacher yell so loudly, my ears were ringing from the uproar.

Everybody’s heads turned to face Mr Goodman who had his arms crossed. His face was red from all the impatience and I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears.

Mr Goodman has a temper.


When the class finally calmed down I turned to Scarlet who had a foot up on the chair and an elbow resting on her knee. “Do you get this?” I asked her tapping a pen on the text book.

She huffed and ran a hand through her hair. “Algebra isn’t my strong point.” I shook my head still not understanding the slab of numbers and letters.

I hadn’t noticed that Jay was sitting behind me, but for some reason I heard him whisper in my ear. “Marcy, I can’t wait to kiss you Saturday night.”

I turned around, my eyes burned into his. He knew I couldn't go to the party Saturday night, and now he's using it against me. “Oh come off it Jay, it’s not even funny.” I growled. “I have a boyfriend.” I frowned. After I said the words my heart stopped for a second, Nyjah isn’t my boyfriend. He’s a boy- and he’s not even my friend. It occurred to me that I have no idea what Nyjah and I are, what do I call 'us'?.

“Ha, I should come off it? Nyjah Baker isn’t your boyfriend. He doesn’t care about you. He’s a player, he’s using you.” He retorted. There was honesty in his eyes that caught me off guard. He almost seemed to genuinely care about me. That’s impossible. I felt anger boil inside of me.

“He’s not a player! And I wouldn’t kiss your face if you were the last freaking boy on th-” My insult was interrupted by Scarlet.

“Hey, hey.” Scarlet patted my shoulder not moving from her position. “They’re jerks, let it go.” She turned and smiled at Jay in a way that was so friendly it was bitchy.

I nodded and turned back to my work.


I got back home after school, running inside to collapse on my bed. But when I entered the front door I could hear my mother, something didn’t feel right. I turned the corner to the lounge room. “Mum!” I gasped.

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