Imagine #8 Gone Missing (Niall)

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It happened so fast, you hadn’t even realized what was going on until Niall was pulling you up from the couch. He held onto your hand tightly as you numbly ran out towards your car. You sat in the car, silent tears washing down your face as your husband, pushed the car to the speed limit, speeding through town. The T.V. blared with the local news in your kitchen. You watched as Niall danced around, making you both sandwiches for lunch. He caught your eyes and came over to you, pressing his lips to yours. 

"Enjoying the view?" He whispers. You nod, giggling, throwing your arms around his neck. 

"Very much," You say, trailing your lips along his jaw. You both keep your eyes locked on each other as Niall rubbed your thigh. Your head automatically snapped up as your daughter’s school was announced on the T.V. You and Niall both turned towards the television as the news announcer, continued. 

"Preston Elementary, along with the local middle and high school are currently on lock down. Ten minutes ago an anonymous caller alerted the police of a suspicious john doe, in black clothes carrying an assault weapon. Police surrounded the school and SWAT is on its way. This is now a hostage situation," 

Niall held your hand as you both sprinted up towards the police baracade. 

"You guys need to leave the premise, this is a dangerous atmosphere," An officer says, running up to you guys. 

"Our little girl is in there!" Niall yelled. You clung onto his arm as tears streamed down your face. You feel yourself having difficulty breathing. 

"Please," You say softly. Niall embraces you tightly as you look up to see his own eyes puffy and red. He kisses your forehead and breaths into your hair. 

"It’ll be okay, princess," He rubs your arm as the officer tells you to move to the local fire station to wait for your daughter. Niall wraps his arm around your waist as you start to head back to your car. You wipe your eyes and sniffle. All of a sudden, gun shots slice through the quiet air. You tense before sobbing again. 

"My baby," You cry, sinking to your knees. Your body shakes as your sobs rack through your body. Niall stands next to you, his eyes squeezed shut as he chokes back cries. You see other couples and families react the same way you did as SWAT and police storm the school. "My little princess," You say, wiping your tears. 

"Shh," Niall pulls you into his arms, running his hands through your hair. He kisses your lips, pulling you closer. "We just gotta wait and see," He says, through his teeth. Your hand shakes as you reach up to wipe Niall’s tears with your thumb. You don’t know what else to do other than hope and pray that your baby’s alright.

 * * * *

They had a list. The paper looked blurry and unrecognizable through your tears. You wiped your tears with a heavy, shaky hand as you ran through your list. Ella Horan. The one name you needed on that list. Niall stood beside you clutching an identical list. The list that contained the names of the children they had accounted for. Your finger ran along the left side of the list, only stopping to wipe tears. It was heart breaking though, when your daughter’s name wasn’t on the list. 

"No, no, no," You repeated, scanning through the list again. "She’s gotta be here, Ni?" Niall stood silently still, before slamming his fist down on the table, walking out of the room. You crumpled up the list and looked around as you were surrounded by blessed and lucky families who were able to see their children again, to hug and kiss them again. Your sobs, mixed in with others who, like you, weren’t as lucky. Your five year old daughter, would never return home again, would never want to hear a story again, would never pester Niall for songs again. She was gone. You couldn’t stand up. You could barely breath. 

"Y/N?" Niall stood before you, he looked like a mess. His hair was sticking out from every direction and his face was blotchy and red. His blue eyes were puffy and red from crying. He sat next to you, kissing you repeatedly, drying the tears. You felt his own tears, wet your face as you both cuddled each other, on the floor. Neither of you knew what to do. The police still had to analyze the scene so you wouldn’t be able to properly lay your princess to rest. "Ella will be the prettiest angel out there," Niall sat, rubbing your hair. It had been three hours since you were sitting in your kitchen, fooling around. Only three hours ago, your family was safe and alive. 

"She was so little," You whisper, staring at nothing in particular. "Her first year in school, Niall, her first year,” Tears still spill out of your face, as you feel empty inside. Even though Niall was next to you, holding you, you felt alone. Your heart was heavy with grief and sadness and you couldn’t imagine living this way. 

"Remember when she brought home her family portrait?" Niall asks. You chuckle dryly, remembering how excited she was, running out her classroom door into your awaiting arms. She swatted her chestnut brown hair out of her blue eyes, showing you the white paper. 

"I drew everybody," She says, pointing her small finger at the different color squiggles. "See? That’s you and daddy," 

"Whose this, El?" You ask. 

"Uncle Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn, mummy. They’re inside our house because they always come over as a surprise. They love me," She states, nodding at her own words. You blink back tears as you think about how the boys, Ella’s uncles are going to react. As you think about more and more memories you find yourself staring at a small girl sitting at a table, drinking out of a soda can. She looks down and you can’t see her face, her brown hair covers it. You stand up, shakily, as Niall looks at you worried. You walk slowly towards the girl, as she continues to stare at her feet. You heart tugs as the thought crosses your mind that your daughter wasn’t found alive. You were standing at the edge of the table when the girl looks up. Her blue eyes mirroring your husbands. You felt Niall next to you as you took a sharp breath. The girl’s face grew wide with a toothy smile, resembling her father’s old teeth. She gets up from the chair and runs over to you and Niall. 

"Mummy! Daddy!" She screams. 

"Ella," You and Niall both whisper, engulfing your only child in your arms. You didn’t know what had happened, you didn’t care, your baby was back in your arms, breathing and alive. 

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