Imagine #12 (Larry)

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I sighed as I trudged down the steps, it was too early to be awake and I wanted nothing to do with this day. Why, you ask? Because the love of my life is marrying somebody that isn't me. Sad isn't it?

I made my way into the kitchen and sat at the table while Liam happened to be making breakfast. "You alright mate?" He asked me as he took a look at my tired eyes and unruly hair. "You look like you haven't slept in ages.

I shrugged. "It's because I haven't Liam. I got like an hour of sleep before I woke up today." I rubbed my face with my hands sighing once again. "I can't stop thinking about him Liam. He said he loved me and that he cared about me but he's marrying her." I said the last word as harsh as I could.

Liam turned off the stove and looked at me with pity in his eyes. "I'm sorry mate, but you have to tough it out. Remember that you're his best man today." He walked over to me and sat at the table forgetting about the food that was still on the stovetop.

"But I love him!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air. "He lied when he said that I would be the one he would marry. He lied to me when he said he loved me. HE FUCKING LIED TO ME LIAM!" I tugged on my hair with anger. "I don't know how I'm supposed to get through the day and be his best man when he's the reason I can't sleep at night."

"I'm sorry." The brown eyed boy in front of me apologized for something he didn't do. "I don't know what else to say Harry, besides just try to get through this. I know it's hard for you but I know you can get through this."

His words made me angry. "How do you know? You don't know what I'm going through, you have no idea what it's like to be watching the one you love marrying someone that shouldn't have been an issue in the first place! So don't fucking tell me you know Liam!" I slammed my fist down on the table, stood up and walked away as the tears started streaming down my face.

I made my way back up to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I was upset, angry, and most of all sad and heartbroken. "Why me?" I cried as I sat on the bed. "Why me?" I sobbed.



"Do you Eleanor Calder take Louis Tomlinson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher that stood in between the couple that was getting married, asked.

Eleanor nodded her head. "I do." She spoke and smiled.

"And do you Louis Tomlinson take Eleanor Calder to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

The groom turned his head and looked at me with worried eyes, mouthing something that I couldn't make out, suddenly he turned back around. "I do." He spoke. And that was it, the exchange of rings and the first kiss as a married couple. It was done.

Once the whole wedding ceremony was over, I left a slip of paper in the room that Louis and his wife were staying in, and left the building walking out to my car and leaving for good. "Louis Tomlinson I love you." I whispered as I drove down the road with tears flowing freely down my face. I really did love him with all my heart and I even told him that.

I was on a mission. I was driving myself to the bridge that Louis and I had our first kiss on.

Once I had gotten there I stepped out of the car letting the cold wind hit my face, While standing on the bridge. "This is for you Louis. I hope you hate yourself when you find out."

*Third person p.o.v*

Meanwhile in his room Louis is reading the note Harry had left on the table.

Dear Louis,
If you're reading this then I'm gone. If you don't know what I mean by gone then I mean dead. Yep, I've committed suicide, and it's your fault. You lied to me Louis, you said that we would get married sometime, you said you loved me. But what do you know? You had to go off and marry her! You know how much I loved you! You know how much you meant to me! But I meant nothing to you. You played me Louis and I'm not happy about it. You also had me stand as your best man knowing damn well that it would break me. It really did Lou. I just thought you'd be the one to care about me but I thought wrong. I love you Louis, if you care I'm sorry I had to do this. I couldn't live with knowing I can't have you to myself. Tell the other guys I love them and that I'm sorry too. I guess this is it. Bye.

Ps. I'm a fool for you Louis, and all I wanted was just a little bit of your heart.

Harry xx

*Harry's P.O.V*

This is it, I'm going to jump and I'm going to end it all. 

I held my breath and let one foot dangle off the edge of the bridge. 

I exhaled. "I Love you Louis." And I began counting. 

5 "Everyone is going to hate me when they all find out."

4 "I've had this in my head since the day he proposed to her."

3 "I love you mum and dad and Gemma."

2 "Niall, Liam, and Zayn were my best mates, they're going to miss me. I love you."

1 "I love you Louis." I've said that many times.

"Here we go." I held my breath and that was it, I jumped. I jumped off the bridge and let myself drown. It was all because I love you Louis Tomlinson.

- One Year Later -

"Louis, you never come out of your room anymore." My mum complained as she walked in carrying a plate of food and setting it down on the table. I don't know why she brings it in here, She knows I won't eat it anyway.

"I don't feel like coming out of my room mother." I snapped, not feeling an ounce of regret for being a dick to her. 

Truth is I've been a dick to everyone for the past year. 

She sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Cut the attitude young man. I know you miss Harry but it's been a year, thats quite a long time to grieve love." 

"I can grieve however long I want. Just please leave my room" I said softly, clinging to my blanket. 

The fact that she mentioned his name hurts worse than knowing today was the day a year ago that he had jumped off that bridge, all because I married Eleanor. That was all a publicity stunt but I wasn't supposed to tell him that.

"Fine." She huffed and left my room closing the door behind her.

I let a tear slide down my cheek, not knowing I was holding it in. "I miss you Harry. I wish you would have never left me. All I do these days is sleep and leave self inflicted wounds on myself. I know you would tell me to stop but I can't. I have to feel pain since I left you in pain. If it makes you feel any better I haven't spoken to El since the day you died." I sighed then continued. "I don't even know why I'm wasting my breath. You're not going to hear me anyway. But I do Love you Harry. Always in my heart love." I ended my speech and broke down into a sobbing mess, but that's what happens when you hurt the one you love and then you lose them for good.





Oh my fucking god. I don't know about you but writing this just made my heart break.

I've been in the mood to write something sad and this just popped into my mind.

anyways, comment your thoughts on this and vote please?

I love you guys.


QOTC (Question Of The Chapter)

Who do you ship?

I ship Ziam and Larry <3

Bye my loves


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