Imagine #14 (Lashton requested by @MadySuperWriterxx)

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(Lashton- Ashton screws up his solo at a concert so he recieves a large amount of hate so he resumes cutting, he pushes away Luke and Luke gets sick of it, so he snaps at Ashton. Ashton being vulnerable, believes Luke doesn't love him and kills himself leaving a letter explaining everything, and a year later, Luke kills himself.)

*Ashton's P.O.V*

My face paled as I checked my twitter mentions as soon as we had gotten off stage. My mentions were full of hate since I messed up on my solo in good girls. I expected it, but Jesus Christ, people were telling me I needed to kill myself and to keep on self harming. 

"Ash what's wrong?" I heard the familiar voice of my boyfriend ask me. "And please don't say nothing is wrong because I can see it in your face that you're upset again." 

I shrugged and handed him my phone, still having my twitter mentions open. "It's nothing." I mumbled, sitting down on the black couch in our dressing room.

As Luke scanned the contents on my phone his eyes widened and he gasped. "This is not nothing Ash, this is horrible." 

"It's whatever." I spoke softly, moving the hair out of my eyes.




About twenty four hours after the concert incident the boys and I were finally home. We were on break for about a month.

I smiled and let out a sigh of relief when Luke and I stepped into our shared apartment. "Home sweet home." I said, setting my bag down and grabbing my phone out of my pants pocket and opening twitter up so I could send a tweet out.

@Ashton5SOS: Finally Home! Love touring but a break here and there is much needed!

But what I didn't know is that it would attract even more hate.

@LukeIsTheBest: You should really kill yourself so the rest of the band doesn't need to deal with you @Ashton5SOS

@1DForever: I'm sure your little boyfriend wouldn't mind if you slit your wrists once more @Ashton5SOS

@JBFanatic: Luke doesn't Love you! Kill yourself @Ashton5SOS

Tears sprung to my eyes and I choked on a sob.

"Babe you okay?" I heard Luke call from the kitchen I believe.

I cleared my throat so I wouldn't give anything away. "Yeah I'm f-fine." My voice faltered a bit. 

I couldn't take the hate so I went down the hall into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, to make sure Luke wouldn't come in. 

More hate came in on my twitter:

@Ashton5SOS Is ugly

@Ashton5SOS Is ugly and untalented and he shouldn't even be in 5 Seconds Of Summer.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I whispered to myself as I sat my phone down on the counter and rummaged through the drawers in the bathroom, looking for my prized possession.

"Found it!" I exclaimed sofly as I caressed my silver razor blade in between my thumb and index finger. "Oh how I've missed you." I whispered and brought it up to my lips, placing a soft kiss to the metal object that would bring me pleasure while its pressed against my skin.




(Two weeks later)

"Ashton why the hell are you pushing me away? What did I fucking do to you?" Luke yelled from his spot in the bedroom. 

I was curled into a ball on the bed, crying like I have been for the past week or so. "I'm not pushing you away Luke."

"Yes you are! You're fucking crying and you won't tell me what's wrong so I can't help you!" He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "You know what, forget it I'm leaving." He said and stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

This just caused more sobs to erupt. "He doesn't Love me." I whimpered. The fans were right. Luke doesn't love me, I've already cut again, now maybe it'll make them happy if I killed myself, end my misery.

(A year later)

Dear Luke,

If you're wondering why I'm lying lifeless on the bedroom floor, then this is the explanation. The amount of hate I recieved on twitter was just unbearable and it was too much for me to handle, so I started cutting and I pushed you away. Luke, I didn't want you to have to deal with someone like me so that's why I started pushing you away, and I know you didn't deserve it but I really didn't deserve you. I didn't want you to have to worry about a coward who couldn't take the hate that was thrown at me. And so it's come to this, you stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind you. You left. You didn't love me, so I ended my life. I know stupid reason but I couldn't handle anything anymore. But I guess I should stop because I'm crying and I want to get this over with before you decide you want to come home. Bye Luke, I love you .


                                                                                     Ashton xx

I've read this letter over and over, time and time again. I just can't stop blaming myself for him taking his own life. I loved Ashton. I love him still. He was the love of my life but he vanished, I found him lying lifeless on the bedroom floor that night a year ago. 

And now here I am, Silver pistol in my right hand, his suicide letter in my left hand, and I was sitting next to his headstone. "I'm doing this to be with you Ashton." I said softly as I brought the pistol to my head. "We'll be together in no time again." I hesitated before pulling the trigger and the bang told me that was it.

I'm going to be with Ashton again.




Oh my gosh guys.

This one actually sucked, or at least I think so.

Anyways, comment your thoughts and vote please

Also don't forget to request ideas for me to write imagines about

I love you guys! Without you guys I probably wouldn't even write.



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