chapter two ✿ pastel emo

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  On Wednesday, Lance takes an opportunity to introduce Keith to his favorite (albeit his only) History of Space Travel teacher. The two "unexpectedly" meet up in the evening and have a little shadow-to-student bonding talk. Keith gets a little confused.


  Two days later, Keith was still following Lance around to his classes and hanging out with Pidge and Hunk in between. Shadowing was more entertaining than he expected it to be. He almost didn't want it to end.

  Almost, because life went on.

  "Keith. Keith!" Lance shouted. "There you go. Your eyes went all glossy for a second there." The boy was all up in his face when Keith snapped back to reality. He jerked back in surprise with a small yelp and smacked his head against the tree he was leaning on. They were back in the courtyard again, some time after noon.

  "Whoa, hey, are you okay?" Hunk said, looking as if he was going to reach out to help Keith.

  "Yeah. Lance scared me," Keith replied, shooting a look at Lance, who held his hands up and shrugged.

  "Not my fault that you zone out all the time."

  "Hey!" Keith could feel his already pink cheeks go a few shades darker. "I do not. You zone out more than I do." He knew that that wasn't exactly true, but Lance didn't seem to catch his bluff.

  "I can't help it when there's a pretty girl around! Or guy. I have to think about how I'm going to flirt with them. Great pick-up lines don't just magically spew out of my mouth!" he snapped back, crossing his arms and turning his nose up and away.

  Keith barely noticed Hunk's wide eyes and how Pidge managed to bury their nose deeper into their science textbook as he repeated, "Wait, guys?" He sort of regretted his unfiltered mouth and snapped it shut, waiting for Lance's reply.

  Most of his blush was obscured by tan skin and freckles, but Lance's faux snooty demeanor crumbled right after the words left Keith's mouth. "O-Oh, uh, yeah..." he stammered. "I'm... sort of bi? W-Well, not sort of, I'm extremely bi..." A nervous chuckle passed his lips.

  "Oh. Cool," Keith said, trying to stay cool and uncaring. For some reason, he felt like he had just crossed a No Trespassing  sign and straight into private territory. But Lance had brought it up, right? It's not like Keith was going to judge him when he was gay himself...

  But Lance was bi.

  Keith suppressed a grin and covered it with a frown, looking up at the cloudy sky. Rain was definitely on the forecast today. Stop smiling! This means absolutely nothing! You've known him for two days!  What the hell?

  "Anyway," Hunk jumped in, "I was gonna have movie night at my place on Friday. Keith, you're invited, if you want to come. It's totally cool if you don't though, but the invite's still there." He smiled.

  "Oh, so Keith  is invited but I'm not? We've been friends for fifteen years, Hunk! Fifteen years!" Lance immediately began to wail.

  "Always the drama queen, Lance," Pidge muttered from their perch on a low branch, textbook still inches from their face.

  "Lance, you live with me. I think it was implied that you're invited..." Hunk said.

  "Oh. Right."

  Lance's complaining reminded Keith of how long these three had known each other - basically their whole lives. And Keith had only known them for a mere 48 hours. Should he accept? Movie nights were... kind of an intimate thing between friends. That's how Keith saw it anyway. Maybe it wasn't so for them. But maybe they actually thought of Keith as a friend. Or a potential friend, anyway. The thought made Keith's stomach sort of flip.

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