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Alex's POV
I finally arrived at my new dorm. I set my suitcase down and grabbed the door knob, carefully turning it and opening the door. I then grabbed my suitcase and stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

I heard water running in the kitchen. I decided to check it out after I unpacked, so I put my suitcase on my new bed and stared unpacking.

I was almost done unpacking when I heard the water turn off. I stopped, looking up from what I was doing. A man, a foot or so taller than me, walked in. He had long curly hair pulled up in a ponytail and freckles covering his face.

When we made eye contact I felt heat rise to my cheeks, so I just turned my attention back to unpacking. The man walked up to me.

"Hello," he said, "I'm John Laurens! What's your name?" Crap. I turned to John and signed, "My name is Alexander Hamilton. It's nice to meet you, John."

I was so happy that John knew sign language. He smiled and said, "Nice to meet you too, Alex!" John sat on the edge of my new bed while I unpacked. There was a moment of comfortable silence before John asked me a question. The one question I hated the most.

"So Alex, is there a reason you don't speak?" I froze for a moment before signing, "All I'm gonna say is that I haven't spoken since I was 8. I'd rather not go into too much detail." John looked at me for a second before nodding and, once again, sat in comfortable silence as I finished unpacking.

John's POV
I was washing the dishes after eating breakfast when I heard the door open. It must be my new dorm mate! I quickly finished washing the dishes and walked into the main room to find a short man, with long dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, unpacking his stuff.

The short man looked up from what he was doing and made eye contact with me. I could feel my heart skip a beat. The man quickly went back to what he was doing.

I walked up to the short man and said hello and introduced myself. He didn't respond right away. Then he made signs with his hands. Oh. He doesn't speak. Good thing I know sign language!

I smiled and said it was nice to meet him and sat on the edge of his bed. I wonder if there's a reason he doesn't speak. I decided to break the comfortable silence by asking, "So Alex, is there a reason you don't speak?" Alex froze. I must've hit a soft spot. Whoops.

Alex responded, signing, "All I'm gonna say is that I haven't spoken since I was 8. I'd rather not go into too much detail." I just nodded, once again sitting there in comfortable silence.

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