:: Chapter Two

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:: Chapter Inspiration ::

:: How to Save a Life | The Fray ::

Where did I go wrong?

I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Glancing at her intern's face, Miranda Bailey sighed. They'd already been here for at least twenty minutes, trying to revive them woman on the table but it wasn't coming as easily as they hoped. She spared a quick glance at Richard before focusing back on Meredith. "Chief," She asked. "I know the hypothermia is protective to her vital organs, but... How much longer do you think we can go on like this?"

Richard didn't hesitate to snap back at Miranda, "I've seen people last as long as four hours."

"Yeah, but you-" She began to speak again but Richard cut her off again.

"No, this is not..." He trailed off. "This is Ellis Grey's little girl. This is my..." Miranda didn't know much about what happened between Richard Webber and Ellis Grey, but she knew that it didn't end too well for them and that Meredith, who had only been about four at the time, had had her whole life shifted in the blink of an eye. She had a feeling that Richard was always watching out for Meredith, and it didn't look like he was going to give up anytime soon, even if there was no hope of revival.

Burke stepped in at this point, trying to reassure him, and Miranda had nearly forgotten he was there, "We're all on the same side here, Chief."

Richard stopped the compressions and turned around, doing what only Miranda could assume was holding back tears. She was doing the same thing, if she was completely honest. Meredith was dark and twisty, but she managed to make sure that everyone else around her was okay. Miranda had hated her group of interns at first, not wanting to be babysitting them and dragging them around. But then they had started to all grow on her and she found herself being dragged into any drama they had going on, being their resident and all. But this, this whole accident was by far the worst that had happened to the small group of interns. Not even the bomb had caused this much damage to them, because at least then, Meredith was still alive and breathing, albeit shaking and battered from the event.

Stepping up to the table, she replaced Richard's hands in doing the compressions, if he wasn't going to give up then neither was she.

Finally seeming to have collected himself, he turned back around. "Her body temp is at eighty –six degrees. She is not dead until she is warm and dead. We need to warm her up to 98.6 and start her heart."

"Yes, sir."

She couldn't stand it every time someone stopped doing the compressions. Every time they stopped, the long, monotone beep would fill the room, reminding them of what had happened.

Richard had begun ordering around the nurses, telling them what they needed to get to bring the interns temperature back up, but Miranda had blocked them all out.


Addison stood in the corner of the room, listening to the interaction between Miranda and Richard but couldn't pull her eyes away from Meredith's face.

Her skin was grey, blending into the blankets they had surrounded her in to try and warm her up. The tube that protruded out of her mouth, breathing for her didn't do much to help.

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