:: Chapter Six

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:: Chapter Inspiration ::

:: I'll Stand By You | Pretenders ::

Oh, why you look so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

Come on and come to me now

And don't be ashamed to cry

Let me see you through

Cause I've seen the dark side too

When the night falls on you

You don't know what to do

Nothing you could confess

Could make me love you less

I'll stand by you


A small, almost hesitant knock sounded from the door. Derek turned in the bed to look at the door, just as Miranda entered, followed by her interns, minus Meredith. A quick glance at the clock told him it was five thirty, they were halfway through rounds.

Meredith was still asleep and he let her be, knowing they didn't wake VIP patients.

To his surprise, Richard entered behind them and closed the door for their privacy.

Derek untangled himself from Meredith, being careful not to jolt her in any way that would cause her ribs to move and hurt her more. He ran a hand over his face, trying in vain to wipe the exhaustion off his face but not succeeding. Dropping the side rail, he climbed down from the bed and into the visitor's chair next to it, pulling the rail back up once he was settled.

"Who's presenting?"

George stepped forwards, a chart clutched to his chest. "Meredith Grey, 29, drowning victim from the ferry boat crash yesterday morning. Suffered from hypothermia and asystole. Upon arrival was not breathing on her own and so was intubated."

"Was warmed up and we attempted resurrection. Upon investigation, there was no movement in the heart and was treated with a cardiopulmonary bypass. Also treated with a gastric lavage during her time in the ER. There were several failed attempts to resurrect. The patient went into Ventricular fibrillation several times."

"After resurrection was successful, the patient was sent to CT to check for any damage after having trouble verbally communicating. The scans came up clean and the signs that were present went away as the patient rested."

George was refusing to use Meredith's name during the whole presentation to try and distance himself from the situation. It was always difficult to treat people you were close to, that's why they refused to let doctors treat anyone they were close to. Derek had to admit, he didn't want to be as close to this case as he was.

"What is the course of action now, Alex?" Miranda asked, only briefly glancing at the intern in question before focusing her attention on Meredith, who was still asleep buried in her covers.

"We're going to keep the patient in for several days observation to make sure 'secondary drowning' doesn't occur. We also have a couple scans lined up later to make sure any rib fractures are not in danger of causing further damage to any organs."

"Thank you, doctor Karev." Richard Webber nodded to the intern before focusing his attention back on Derek, "Dr Shepherd, I'm sure you can relay all this information to Dr Grey when she wakes up?"

Derek only nodded in reply, not really trusting his voice to work the way it was supposed to at that moment.

"Wonderful, Doctor Yang will be returning in a couple hours to take Dr Grey for the follow-up tests we have scheduled. If you need anything, page any of us and we'll see what we can do."

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