Anya's P.O.V.
"You Asshole, stop!.. stop doing.. that!" I screamed at Zayd.
But he didn't listen and kept on throwing the fallen leaves which we were trying to remove from the tree-house on me.Instead of cleaning he was dirtying the tree-house more.
With great difficulty by holding the fabric of his trouser around my waist so that It doesn't fall off, I cleaned the house.
But here he was, the great Asshole Mr.Zayd Shaikh spoiling all my work.Furiously I threw the Broom on the floor and stomped off to sit on the edge of the bed.
I intentionally made a crying face, with my lips a little puckered.
I felt the bed dip.
I then saw two legs swinging beside both my legs.
I felt him behind me, his hand enclosing me into a hug, keeping his chin on my shoulder he whispered, "sorry but you know I didn't mean to."I was now sitting inbetween his legs, my back facing him.
His whispers made the hair on my nape to stand up.
I get this spark everytime he gets closer to me.
"Well you are the one who wanted the house to get cleaned..and I only helped you cause I wanted to know about that girl."I spoke the truth."I never brought Aliza here," he muttered.
I side-looked at him and he continued,"well this tree house is a secrecy between Aisha and i, the siblings thing you know?"I nodded although I didn't know what sibling things were.
I never had one."Then why have you brought me here?" I asked.
If he wanted to tell me about that girl, then he should have taken me to a place that held her memories.I stood up now facing him.
He passed his hand ruffling his hair and spoke," i brought you here because I wanted you to know everything about me, every little inch of my life and I thought this would be the best place to start since no one here would disturb us."He held my hand and made me sit beside him.
I laid down on the bed, facing the ceiling.
He too laid down beside me and spoke,"Aliza is my past Coeur."
"Past," i muttered.He shifted his position, now facing me he stated,"yes past, let's say it was just one-sided, i mean who would fall for the asshole?" He joked.
I smiled and said,"the stupid has fallen for the asshole."
I too changed my position now facing him.He caressed my cheek, tugging the imaginary fallen hair and smiled.
His smile is the million dollar smile, worth all the luxury of the world.Breaking our bubble I spoke,"you could have taken me to a place where you had her memories with, I would have gotten jealous not here."
He chuckled,"well you still got jealous even after bringing you here."
"No i didn't."
"Yes you did, stop denying for once,"he stated.
"Okay I did, maybe a tiny bit only," i accepted.
He pecked my lips in victory and confessed,"That's good, I am happy that you do get jealous, this shows that you care.""I do... i always will," i revealed.
He smiled and then stood up.
"I will just be back, meanwhile you can check the tree-house out,"he spoke and then left.I stood up from the bed and went through the pictures that hung on the wooden wall.
They were of Aisha and Zayd of when they were younger to when they were teens to now.
It had one picture where Zayd is pulling Aisha's hair, in the other one they both had their tongue out with holding coloured lollies in their hand.
They both looked super cute.I then went through the kitchen cupboard to find something edible.
One cupboard was empty, completely utterly empty.
The other had a tray with about five eggs in it.
And the third one had flour and salt.Zayd is really poor when it comes to food in his tree-house.
He should have kept something like chocolates or anything which doesn't require cooking.
He should be aware that I don't know cooking.I heard footsteps and then the voice followed,"what are you looking for Coeur?"
I turned to face him, saw that he was holding a diary type book in his one hand and a black polythene in the other.
I then answered,"i was looking for something to eat."
He smiled coming towards me,"we don't have gas, but I had some chocolates in my car so I brought them for you... i figured you might be hungry, we left without breakfast."I hugged him smiling and said,"thanks Asshole."
Munching on the first bite of chocolate I then offered him too but he denied.
After eating the chocolate, he offered me to sit and showed me a diary.The diary had Aliza written on its cover.
I looked at him and he said,"this has everything inside."

We Were Meant To Be.~ COMPLETED
RomanceAnya, the girl who fell for her best friend. But he already loves someone else and he is getting married in a month. She loves him to an extent that she can do anything to make him happy, even if his happiness lies in someone else...even if she has...