Chapter Four.

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Chapter Four.

Anya's P.O.V.

After having a bath in my mum's bathroom,i headed towards the kitchen while humming.

"I do..wait no i don't..anyway even if i do,my dad wont agree,"spoke Zayd.
I stood hidden near the kitchen just with appropriate distance to hear their conversation easily.

Then my mum asked,"then how did he agree to Aisha and Arjun's relation?"

"That's because Aisha got intimate with Arjun before marriage,"Zayd answered somehow embarrassed.

My mum was shocked,"what? I cant believe it."

Zayd smiled and spoke,"you didn't know? The whole world knows now."
He looked hurt,but he should know the truth. He cant mistrust his sister.

My mum denied and said,"i didn't know,but i still don't believe that Aisha can do something like that."
"Me too." Spoke Zayd and continued,"well your daughter didn't tell you?"

"I had promised Arjun and Aisha that i wont tell anyone, but i guess i'll have to tell you the whole truth,"i spoke as i sat on the chair and served myself the yummy Spanish omelette.

"Which truth?"Zayd asked.
I took a morsel and savoured the taste and said,"yummm!! This is yummy mum. I must say you are becoming a great cook day by day."

My mum smiled and said,"thanks but Zayd is the one who made this."
"Really? Zayd, you know how to cook,huh?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes and said,"will you just tell me the truth?"

"Have patience Asshole." I spoke.
"Stop calling me that."
"Stop calling him that,"Zayd and my mum scolded me in unison.

I looked at my mum and complained,"what about when he calls me Stupid,huh?"

"Okay i wont,now please tell me the truth. Will you?" Zayd spoke.
I smiled and said,"so desperate Mr. Zayd Shaikh,huh?"

"Listen! If you don't want to tell me then fine,don't, plus the only truth is already out. "Zayd said and stood up.

I laughed and said,"ok..ok..i will..jeez!I can't believe you don't even trust your sister" I rolled my eyes as he replies,"I do trust her, bit I had to believe the proofs she provided with,"shaking my head I spoke,"Arjun has not even kissed Aisha yet."

"What?" He knitted his eye-brows together.
I looked at my plate,where the Spanish omelette was laid.
"I told them to lie to your dad,so he would accept their relationship.Thise proofs? The lovebite was makeup."

"Why would you do that?" Zayd asked.
"I know that i love Arjun but not as much as he loves Aisha, i would do anything to see him happy,even if his happiness lies in someone else,even if i have to be in a fake relationship with someone like you,"i answered Zayd making a face at him on the last sentence.

He chuckled and said,"you should consider yourself lucky that you got a hot and sexy me as your fake boy-friend."
I rolled my eyes and said,"whatever makes you sleep at night."

My mum stood up and said,"you guys continue fighting while am leaving,cause i am now getting late for work."

"Auntie,should i drop you?" Zayd asked.
Always being the good person infront of elders, I rolled my eyes at his politeness with my mum.
My mum smiled and said,"no thanks,i don't want to hear you both fight on my way to work plus i have my car."
She then left,leaving me and Zayd alone.

Now that am alone with the asshole for the whole of Sunday,then what should i do?

I looked at Zayd and saw him give me an evil smirk, i mirrored his smirk and we both rushed outside the kitchen.

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