Chapter Eight.

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Anya's P.O.V.

How did these female receive the genes of tallness?
A ten year old girl was of 6feet!
Okay not exactly 6 but way taller than I was when her age.
And me? Am way past being a teen and I don't reach anywhere  near 6 feet.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?" I shouted.
There was a lady pulling my dress.
Then she pointed to a dress in her hand, it was made of grass.

Honestly, I only wear designer clothes but thinking how uncomfortable my Saree is? I agreed to wear the grasses and leaves.
The dress was naturally beautiful.

It had a bust of halved coconut shell,  adjoined with banana leaves to form a skirt, that reached my knee.
The skirt has colourful little flowers attached to form embroidery.
They then brought a crown of twigs and flowers, and I was like "wow! My dream coming true. I am the Queen of the jungle."

I smiled excitedly, while they rushed me outside of their changing room.
The people outside were tall too.
And it seemed they were just waiting for me.
My eyes fleeted towards Zayd and i saw him wearing the twig crown too.
I groaned internally and wished, " please don't make him the King."

But unfortunately they took me to stand beside Zayd and cheered with the indication of starting the ceremony.

I looked at Zayd to see him smiling at me.
I raised my eye-brows and he came closer to me telling," look beautiful."

I smiled and said," well to tell you the truth? You don't, grasses is so not your type."

He smiled and nodded," and they are way more uncomfortable too, are you not feeling itchy?"

I smiled and was just going to answer him when someone coughed behind us, i turned and said," yes?"
Zayd laughed and spoke," well coeur?you are asking " yes?" as if you will understand what he will even reply."

I rolled my eyes and spoke," oh shut up!"

He laughed and said," come on! Let's get ready for the ceremony. So you wanna be the Queen or the king?"

I looked at him angrily and said," ofcourse Queen."

He nodded and said," i knew it."
He thinks of joking at weird times I tell you.

The ceremony started, the weird as the people are so were their tradition.
They started singing.
Zayd and i, both exchanged looks.

Then there were a couple who came towards us.
They told us in their language something, but once they did action we understood that we have copy their action.
Okay now the ritual for being the Queen and King is starting.

The first ritual was holding Zayd's hand walking till aisle back and forth.

Weird ritual? Yes.

The second ritual was making a bonfire.

Bonfire? I thought servants do that for the King and the Queen.
Is this ritual for Royals or servants?

But at the same time, servants don't wear the crown of twigs, yeah?
I looked around everyone and noticed that except for the children everyone was wearing the similar crown we were wearing.

I elbowed Zayd and whispered, " this isn't ritual for being the Queen or the King."
He raised a questionable left brow and asked," How did you know? And why the hell are you whispering? It's not that they will understand if you speak loudly."

I nodded at him and spoke," check everyone's crown."
He looked over at the people and mouthed an 'O' 😮

"So what is these ritual about?" He asked me.
"As if i know," i answered.
"Right," He muttered.

We made the bonfire with doubts in our mind.
The couple also made theirs.
They then started going around it while holding each others hand.

We did the same.
That was our third ritual.

The fourth ritual was exchanging of our crown.
Funny part was Zayd would have to wear female twig with flowers crown.

We did as showed, Zayd placed his plain twig crown on my head and i smiled.
He smiled too and asked me," what's so funny?"



"You look funny Zayd."

He smiled and said," i know...and you look.."
Before he could finish I answered," funny? I know."
He shook his head while laughing and said," No."

"No? Then?" I asked.
He smiled
And i spoke again,"wait! Don't you try to call me ugly..okay?"

He nodded and said," i can't cause am a gentleman, I know what I need to tell the females."

"Oh really?" I asked jokingly.

"Yes. By the way I was gonna call you beautiful but since you don't believe in me, then you can as well stay without compliments."

"Well i don't need your compliment cause I know that am beautiful."

"Yah.right," He said sarcastically.

The fifth ritual was we had to repeat what they were speaking.
It looked like vows.
The way those couple were looking at each other romantically.

It seemed that...wait they are making us get...?? Are they serious?
I looked at Zayd and said," there is no way am doing this ritual."

"Neither am i. What do they think? Us? Are they blind or what? Me with you...Oh please." Zayd complained.

"Excuse me? What did they see in you for me? How could they think of us being a couple? I mean fake was fine,it was something digestible but getting us married? You are so not my type." I spoke.

Zayd pointed at me and said," you are also not my type understood?"

When suddenly everyone started clapping.

Zayd face-palmed," now we are villagiously a couple."


"Yeah! We are in their village and it's not official so instead of officially we are villagiously married." He answered.

"But we didn't say the vows," i said.
"The arguements we were doing? I guess they thought those are our vows." Zayd answered unsurely.

"Damn! Where are we stuck? And it's all your fault," i said it to Zayd.

"My fault? Oh hello madam! Your best friend Arjun suggested this dare." Zayd defended himself.

"He is not only my best friend, he is also your brother-in-law," i answered back.

"He is going to be...he has not become my brother-in-law yet and ofcourse you will support him."

"Am not supporting anyone okay? It is your fault, you could have chosen truth instead of the dare." I spoke.

"Truth? I knew what his question was, so the dare looked safe to me."

"Really? What was the truth?"

"He would have asked if I loved you or not."

"Then you could have lied that yes you love me instead of choosing the dare."

"Then that would have been the truth and I didn't know that the dare would be like this."

"Yah right...wait what did you say? That saying you love me would have been the truth?" I asked.
Zayd loves me?


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