Chapter Seven.

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Chapter Seven.

Zayd's P.O.V.

It's dark.

I can't see a single thing.
Chilling, pitch-darkness enwrapped itself around me and I began to feel as though I was submerged in a dark sea slowly sinking into the cold, unplumbed blackness.
Am sure my eyes are open.

My breathing started becoming unstable.
My eyes started looking here and there in search of even a flicker of light.

To stabilise my breathing i started taking deep breaths in and out and also started praying Ayatul kursi.
My mum always said it works, in whichever bad situation we are in.

It did ease my heart but since it was still dark, nothing was helping to improve my unstablize breathing.

All those memories came back flashing like a film.
Those memories were past gone but because of this darkness they have all come back to haunt me, to mock me of something i was not at fault.
I have to do something to get rid of those memories..
They have hurt me alot in the past but now I can't let them win.
I have to do something..

"A..anya!!" I spoke, as I couldn't shout.
If i don't get help withing five minutes then I won't live to see the sun of next day.

"Zayd? You here?" I heard Anya asked.

I wanted to reply but couldn't.

"Zayd? Listen you need to speak so I can come to's very dark I can't see a thing," spoke Anya.

But my breathing had worsen and I couldn't speak a thing so instead I started tapping my foot.
I guess she got the hint cause after few seconds I felt a warm hand enwrapped around mine and then she spoke, " what's wrong?"

Worry in her voice.

Being close to her made me relax a little and I smiled, but to tell her the truth I need to relax completely, so the next thing I did was....

Anya's P.O.V.

I squinted my eyes to see where I am but couldn't.
And then i heard Zayd whispering.

So I asked, "Zayd? You here?"

But no one replied.

So I asked again," Zayd?Listen you need to speak so I can come to's very dark I can't see a thing."

But instead of answering he started tapping.
I rolled my eyes and followed that sound.
I then engulfed my hand in his and hear him breathe out in relief.
So i ask with worry, " what's wrong?"
But before answering he suddenly hugged me.

Freaking Enemy Zayd Shaikh hugging ME!

But before I could joke or do anything, i felt his heart beat at a furious rate and heard a relaxation of breathing so instead asked again," what's wrong?"

But all he said was," please just hug me?"

And i did what he asked for.

His hug was warm, homely.
I was just getting comfortable in his hug when suddenly a light peeped in and the door of the room got opened.

I squinted my eyes to see the person standing...
We dislocated the hug.
My blurred image became clear after few seconds and there stood a tall man of about 8 feet I guess? Or taller..
Or is it that he looks taller because am sitting on the floor?

"Nope he for sure is tall," spoke Zayd

I looked at him questionably while he continued," yes said that loudly."

With the man was a taller woman.
She came to me and spoke something i didn't understood.
I looked at Zayd but he just shrugged.

She then held my wrist and took me out of the room to another room leaving Zayd with the tall man.

Zayd P.O.V.


The sweat beads trickled down my forehead, it's dark.
I don't have any problem with it but it's as hell irritating.

I knocked on the door once more asking for help.

"Please open the door."

But all i heard was laughs.
And then came a voice," until you give in to our condition."
But i couldn't cause I didn't wanted their courage to increase.

I stayed silent, i knew eventually they will remove me out.
For how long would I be kept as captive in a laboratory store room.
But this happened everyday.

But I can't do what they are asking me to.
I love her.
I can't hurt her like that.
Plus, why would they want me to do something like that to her?
She is their friend!

But what they did next, made me agree.
I couldn't be strong any longer.

It hurt me emotionally.

I looked at the tall man, sweat trickled down my forehead, i thanked Allah that it was just a past of my life that I saw.
The tall man smiled at me and said something i didn't understand.
I smiled back out of kindness..but hardly I knew I would be inviting trouble by smiling.

After sometime.

"Ouch! What are you?.. stop it (i swatted a hand)"
All these men wanted me to wear their type of clothes.
And it was weird wearing nothing but grass.

Ofcourse i looked hot and dashing.
But it was pricking as hell.

They then placed a crown of twigs on my head and I was in seven cloud thinking I am their king now.
Only if i knew am nothing closer to that.

After getting me ready they took me out to a place their whole village was waiting.
Wait! Village? I thought we were in jungle!😮

They all hooted on my arrival.
Okaayyy! This village look crazy AF to me.
And then I saw Anya, all dressed up in grasses too.
But then she rocked it. She looked beautiful.
Like an angel from above.
Like a fairy of the sky.

Wait! What am I saying?
No she isn't supposed to be beautiful, we are enemies.
Forever to hate each other for no reason.
She is supposed to look ugly all her life in everything she wears.

Gosh! Hope I don't fall for her all over AGAIN.

Authors note: this is for @kaniharpanda and Kanaka_Anvitha

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