Chapter Fourty Three.

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Zayd's P.O.V.

Holding Anya's hand I led her till the door to my house.

I opened with the spare key we keep under the flower pot.
"Oh you keep the spare key here?" She asked laughing.
Smiling I spoke,"shhh! Don't tell anyone ok?"
She rolled her eyes and said in sarcasm ,"Yah yah I can see how secretive the flower pot is."
Laughing at each other we both entered the house.
Anya's hold tightened around my hand as she saw my mum.

My mum was standing at the hall way just waiting for me.
Seeing both of us holding hands she coughed in a way to make let go of her hand but I didn't.
She then might have seen the bandage around Anya's hand when she rushed to me examine my whole body of any scratch.

"Are you okay Zayd?" She asked.
Nodding I said,"yeah am okay..umm Anya is tired so we are going to my room."
I kissed my mum's forehead as good night and led Anya towards my room.
Climbing the stairs Anya asked,"my room? Shouldn't it be our room? We are married right?"

Biting my lower lip smiling, I pecked her lips and said,"yes our room."
A blush crept on her cheeks making her face go all red like a tomato.
She looked cute.


"Anya you can wear this, I know they won't fit you but...-"
"These are your clothes, where are mine?" Anya interrupted me.

Walking towards her I cup her face  and answered her," I know you are having doubts on me like I said we are married but my room.. I mean our room.." releasing a shaky breath I said,"but my room doesn't have any of your things well that's because you never stayed here, we never stayed like couples because no one knew about our marriage until today I told my parents about my love for you."

I kept my forehead on hers and kissed her on the tip of her nose, my kisses then trailed sideways on her cheek to downwards towards her lips.
I am stupid to let her go, I so missed her.
I missed kissing her, holding her close to me.
I kissed her lips savouring her lips, she had a little cut on it.
I kissed that cut trying to heal it with my kiss but she was not responding.
I trailed my hands from her cheeks to her waist and pulled her closer to me, our body so close that no air could pass inbetween us.

Her lips started moving with mine, I smiled against the kiss as she kept her hand on my chest.
She then pushed me away," stop! You.. we can't... Oh!" She sat at the edge of my bed and hid her face in her hands.

I kneeled beside her asking," A..Anya? What happened?"
I kept my hand on her right knee, she removed my hand from her knee and said, "you.. you can't just say nice things, care for me or kiss me..I...I.... atleast not until I get my memory back because I don't...." I cut her off stating what she wanted to say," you dont trust me."

The worse thing? I was right. She doesn't trust me cause she nodded when I said that.
"Yes I don't.." I cut her off again telling," please don't say the word it hurts me."

She nodded again and then I asked her, " why? Why don't you trust me?"
Tears were welling up in my eyes but I didn't let them spill.

"Because of all the things you have done to me in college, you had hurt me." She cried.
"I am sorry for that." I apologised.
"You are apologising?" She asked shocked.
I nodded and asked "why are you shocked?"
She smiled and said,"Zayd Shaikh never apologises."
I smiled too and said,"well you are exceptional and i don't know if this will make you believe me or not but am apologising because i love you...i care for you and I cant hurt you."

I then stood up and said," you can change into this or you can stay in your clothes that's your decision, I will bring your clothes tomorrow." I then headed out of the room.

She spoke,"Where are you going?"
I stopped and answered,"i will be sleeping in the sitting room every night until you get your memory back."

She then spoke, "will you not take your duvet and pillow?"
I turned around to see her still sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked anywhere but at me.

"Why do you care? Whether i take my pillow and duvet with me or not? According to where your memory Is stuck you hate me right? Then stop caring until you get your memory back."

I headed towards the bed.
"I..I dont care I was just casually asking cause you are leaving your room for me."

"I am not leaving my room for you..I am leaving my room for us.. I want your memory to come back soon..I dont want to hurt you because I love you... I dont know when you will get your memory back but you know what?  I will wait even if it's whole my life but I will wait for you to get your memory back and you to tell me that you love me as well."

I then took my pillow and duvet and left the room.

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