Chapter 2-Arrival

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'Alex POV'

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'Alex POV'

The ride was going fine until Daniella had to open her big mouth.

"Soooooo, aren't you excited to go to France!?!?", she screamed.Her loud voice hurting my ears.

"Yes I am Dani",I answered her softly.

"Yay,we are gonna party,get drunk and have some wild s-".I cut her off by covering her mouth,saving my virgin ears from the torture.

"No we are not", I told her seriously.I might be looking for an adventure but I am not into that stuff.I just wanna go and see the beautiful sights and smell the lovely dish like Ratatouille and Raclette.My tummy growled in agreement.

After a long boring flight,we finally made it into France. 

"Bonjour,puis-je vous aider?",a nice lady dressed in a pretty blue suit asked.I really didn't know what she said and I just started blushing.I was saved from my embarrassment by Dani.

 "Elle ne sait pas l'anglais et oui vous pouvez nous aider.Vous pouvez nous montrer ont été pour aller chercher nos bagages et étaient la sortie est? ", she said giving me a small smile.

"Le compartiment à bagages est plus là et la sortie est juste autour du coin.Je vous souhaite une excellente journée!",the lady said sweetly while pinching  our cheeks.

After getting our luggage and getting out of the airport,we were picked up by Dani's husband,Jerome.We made small talk in the car and Jerome seems like a good guy with his neatly trimmed hair,brown skin and brown eyes.Dani says that she loves his eyes and I dont really understand how people can just love you for your facial features.I have black hair with normal black/brown eyes while Dani has black hair with normal brown eyes,only difference is Dani's hair is a little longer than mine and alot curler.

When we got to their house,I was literally in love.

Hope y'all love this chapter.Love you guys!!!! ;-D

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