After living with her boyfriend for 3 years,Alex Williams feels that their must be more to her life than just eating,sleeping and reading.After pleading with her boyfriend to let her go on a trip with her sister,she packs and heads of to France but...
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*Just gonna leave this here*
*Alex POV*
I woke up with this feeling.I don't know how to describe it but it was like pieces of ice were in my veins then they melt giving me this warm feeling before they freeze and become ice again.
Rolling my eyes,I jumped up off the bed just to fall flat on my face.
There were thick green vines with beautiful purple flowers growing on them, wrapped all around the bed.What scared me was that they kept growing and moving on their own.I screamed as I kicked the vine,that was moving on my leg,on the floor.
My scream must have startled the others because Dani came running into the room like a mad woman.
"What happened!?!",I couldn't answer,so I just pointed to the bed and guess was completely normal. Dani look at me confused before going to the bed lifting the sheets and frowning.
"T-There was v-vines and f-flowers........m-moving....",I tried to keep talking but I suddenly felt weird.The feeling that I had earlier suddenly intensified.One minute I was cold as a naked man in Antarctica and the next minute I was as hot as a fat man in the dessert.
I cried in pain as my body kept changing temperature. Dani tried shaking me but I could hardly open my eyes.
Suddenly I heard the window in my room break and that's when I blacked out.
*Dani's POV*
The window in the room soon started to crack before it shattered completely.
A fierce wind started to blow knocking me over and pushing me to the corner off the room.A strange dark green light descended on Alex's body and she started to...........LEVITATE.No I am not joking,she was literally floating in mid-air.I tried to go and help her but the wind got stronger,squeezing me in the corner.
Suddenly a large(and when I mean large,I mean humongous,tremendous, get the idea) leaf came through the broken window,tearing out piece of the wall too.Damn that leaf is strong!!
It took Alex's unconscious and gently curled itself till she was wrapped and I couldn't even see her hair.
The leaf slowly made its way back out the window just as the brutal wind stopped.
I ran downstairs but I was kinda slow.Damn baby weight.
When I was reached outside the leaf was putting Alex on the ground.I ran over to her but was stopped by a big,thick vine that slowly wrapped around my waist stopping at my neck.
I struggled for it to let go but then I screamed when a big tree suddenly started growing from underneath Alex's body,carrying it up into the air.
The branches spread out as leaves started growing.The branches then enclosed around Alex's body like a ball before giving off a warm dark green glow.
I screamed for the stupid vines to let me go but its grip only got stronger.
I stopped struggling when I felt the hot droplets of water running down my cheeks.I was confused and didn't know what the hell was going on and the worst thing was Jerome won't be back till late in the afternoon.
Finally I fainted from exhaustion.
Longest chapter ever,I feel proud.
Love you guys soooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!