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"Vote for us!" Loudspeakers yell

"Choose our rule!" Posters tell

"Noble acts!" "Development!" Advertisements sell

Into our net, naively you fell.

Visions for the homeland blur in

Air conditioned rooms

Mind numbs, money wins

Justice peeks out under the blindfold

Sun, sweat and sincerity

Fade in the limelight

Corruption, scams, obscene reality

Prosperity thrives on poverty

War without bloodshed

Dirty games

Lives gambled, deals made

No shame in chasing fame

Virgin beauty, shunned pride,

Sold on streetsides

Festering wounds, empty bellies,

Forgotten promises

Ignored pleas, muffled cries

Silent screams

Righteous voices put down swiftly,

Courage and loyalty, jokes like equality

White starched cotton

Hides a human heart

Turned inhuman

By greed so daft

Starving minds

Easily deluded

Slums need to rot

For buildings to rise

Conscience sold,

We are only human,

For our Nation's sake,

In You, should begin the Revolution.

The world's largest democracy...

The ink on the index finger. A Right. An opinion. A Vote.


Blatant defamations, baseless advertisements, bewildered people... 

In this pitiful comedy, the dice are thrown by powerful hands, and the strings are pulled by master puppeteers.. But the naked truth lies open before us, which we gladly choose to ignore..

Make the right choice.

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