People whose nights last longer than two am.
Hearts that are heavy with unsaid words.
Souls that stare at the stars and wish they could fly,
With beautiful eyes smiling through unshed tears.
Cold hands cradling a half empty glass of regret.
Pale lips parched from one too many drinks of loneliness.
Mouths too dry to let out the emotions stuck in their throats,
Seeing magic in smiles and hearing music in heartbeats
Cheeks stained with tears and crinkles at the corner of their eyes.
Words that speak of countless adventures inside yellow paged books
With eyes shining with secrets found between the lines
Hands stained with the ink and paint of life
People with unsold hearts,
Lost in the simple beauty of a smile,
Ones who laugh and dance and kiss in the rain
Ones who make mix tapes and ones who find poetry in pain
Those who'll go "because beauty is not in the skin, it's in the soul"
Those who smile at serendipity.
Those who are a bit whimsy.
Those who paint music.
Those who get lost in between the notes.
People who know how words take a different shape in the dark.
People who know there are infinite shades of gray between black and white.
Whose lines curve and voices break sometimes.
Whose heart breaks for another and tries to make them smile.
Ones who stare at the ceiling, ones who feel the weight of emptiness
Ones who collect memories, not moments
Ones who enjoy the simple pleasure of appreciating
Those who just want to be cared for
Those who are scarred and scared and still searching
Those who get high on insanely beautiful lies
Those who smoke metaphors and dream of their somewhere on sleepless nights
For whom writing is like bleeding and breathing and just being
For whom too long posts in their newsfeed are okay.
Who remember birthdays without Facebook
Who make handwritten cards and spell out good night.
Who write long letters and treasure polaroids
Who click to keep whiffs of memories alive
People who'll stay up all night with a book
Who'll share a sunrise with the birds
People who know cosmic infinities
And how to listen as well as talk
People like you, people like me.
Those that were, those that will be.
People who say things like I love you.
People who are my kind of beautiful.