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The basement of Tyler's parents house was bitter cold as he sat on the hard floor, staring blankly at the ceiling. He remembered vividly the trip down here, but he couldn't remember what he came down here for. His mind was clouded with the sounds of arguing coming from the living room, his parents bickering once more about him and josh constantly spending their time in Tyler's room, attempting to write songs over and over again, filling the bins with pieces of paper covered in little scrawls of attempted lyrics. That's why he came down here, to escape the noise.

He sighed, as there was a brief silence.

"FINE!" His mother Kelly yelled, and he could hear her crashing up the stairs.

"Kelly, put that bag down, you're not going anywhere, this is bloody ridiculous.. you cant just LEAVE.. I understand what you mean when you say they spend too much time up there but honey, they're just teenagers, would you rather them spending their time writing music or going out drinking and smoking..?" His father Chris grumbled.

Tyler put his earphones in, he didn't want to have to listen to his parents arguing like this, it never usually happened but when it did it made him feel kind of weird inside, almost.. afraid.

Time goes by slowly as Tyler stares at the clock on the wall, feeling every second go past like it's a whole year.

Light filled the room as the basement door slowly creaked open, illuminating the walls.

"Ty?" A voice came from the door.

"Josh! I'm so glad you're here there's so much I need to tell you that's happened, and I also have a new idea or a song and everything it;s gonna be amazi-" Josh cut him off.

"Ty, look, we can't be.. friends.. anymore.." Josh whispered.

He ran his hands through his hair, closed eyes, turned around and walked up the stairs once again, closing the door behind him and leaving Tyler in utter silence.

The room was consumed with darkness once more.

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