14th January//12:17PM

65 1 1

"He's gonna be okay.. he should regain consciousness again shortly."

"..Not eating in so long, are you sure that nothing's happened in the past few days to trigger something like this.. shock, or the loss of a loved one or someone close to him..?"

Voices swam around his head as nurses and doctors buzzed around him. 

He began to slowly open his eyes and turn his head, hoping to see Josh, but to no avail, only his father sat in the chair beside him.

"Well then" He said. "You actually gonna eat today or are you just gonna sit here and make them put a bloody needle in you and feed you like that."

Tyler looked up at the ceiling, it was white with little holes and protrusions. He assumed the hospital he was in was quite old and hadn't been refurbished in a while because the walls were all white washed but stained slightly blue. There was about six or so people in the same ward as him, but they all looked like they were in much worse conditions then him.

There was a girl laying in the bed across from him and she was visibly still unconscious and was hooked up to a large machine, and was surrounded by people, all holding her hand, one boy, around sixteen or seventeen, was crying, and then Tyler realised, the machine was her life support and today was the day that it was getting unplugged.. His eyes began to tear up as he imagined Josh in that bed, hooked up to a life support machine, surrounded by people he loved and that loved him, holding Josh's hand as they unplugged the life support.

'Stop' He thought to himself as he could feel the emotions slowly get out of hand. That could've been him if his dad hadn't found him when he did. Weeks of no food left his immune system weak and his body struggling to get nourishment, it had first began to eat up the fat on his body,  and then slowly eat away at the muscles too. When his dad found him the lamp bulb had stopped working and the room was completely dark, Tyler was barely breathing and at first Chris thought he was asleep, until when he tried to wake him, he couldn't. He called an ambulance to pick up himself and Tyler and it arrived in minutes. 

"They said if I had left you down there even one more day I could've found you dead down there, Ty. Please never do something like that again, when you can come home again I'm going to supervise you eating meals, because if I can't trust you to eat, that's what's going to have to happen, okay?" Chris asked Tyler.

"Whatever, I don't care.. did you bring my notebook..?" Tyler replied.

"Yes, I did.. Here's your pen too." Chris replied, looking slightly taken aback. 

A nurse entered the room, she was quite short with chestnut brown hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. She stood up tall, wearing her nametag as if it was an army badge, she had a strong posture with wide set shoulders. She looked tough.

"Joseph.. Tyler Joseph?" She asked, looking at Chris.

He nodded and gestured to Tyler.

She leaned over and began adjusting the bandage that held in one of the needles that was sitting in his arm, and she looked him in the eye.

"Don't pull another stunt like that.. lemme guess.. another one trying to lose weight..?" She asked him.. her eyes sparkled like the moon's reflecting glow on the ocean. If you looked deep enough into them, you could get lost for days. Tyler stares at her, taking in every single detail of her face. Her wide eyes, long eyelashes, full lips and pronounced cheekbones, she was stunning, the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes upon.

"Hello?" She asked again, frustration building in her voice.

"Oh.. uhm.. sorry.. uhm.. no I uhh.." He mumbled, lost for words.

She stood back up and giggled, before handing his father a clipboard and pen and leaving the room.

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