25th January// 07:50PM

58 1 4

These words hit him like a rock, making him put down the pen and paper and think about everything that's happened recently.

He lost his best friend, been admitted to hospital because he hadn't been eating and nearly died.. the last month had been a blur and he wasn't going to try to put the pieces together, it was someone poured a load of different puzzles on the floor and took a took a handful of pieces away from it and told someone to put the jigsaw together. It was impossible.

He put his hands together and laced his fingers between each other and put them against his head. 

'I've had enough of it all, I can't do this anymore.. I have no one left, it's all just too much..' He thought to himself, bringing himself to his feet. He placed the notebook and pen on the desk and strode over to the door, opening it and walking up the stairs. His father was in bed asleep so he tiptoed silently over the wooden floors of the living room into the hall, before grabbing his jacket off of the banister and stepping outside of the door. 

He looked up at the sky and sighed. 

'The last night I'll ever see, it's beautiful' He thought to himself as he began down the road. He walked for around an hour to get to the bridge and it was a silent night, not a single person to be seen, it was eerie.

He stepped over the barrier on the edge of the bridge and held himself over it, staring down into the black abyss of water. The moonlight glimmered in the water, it reminded him of the lake in the forest himself and Josh often visited, his eyes began to well up with tears. He looked back up at the sky once more before releasing his hands from the barrier, and just as he was stepping off, he felt a hand tug at the neck of his jacket, a hand touched his neck and he stumbled back over the barricade in shock, a warm breath hit his cheek as he turned around to see who had stopped him.

"Tyler.." Josh whispered, tears in his eyes. He pulled Tyler into an embrace and hugged him as tight as he could, Tyler broke down in tears as Josh held him.

"I told you.. I'll always be there for you, no matter what, no matter how bad things get, I'll never leave you.." He gasped.

"I'm sorry.." Tyler murmured, before releasing Josh and stepping back off the bridge.

The night was silent, only the sound of Josh stepping back away from the edge of the bridge, and breaking down into silent tears. The stars glimmered once more.

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