you hang out with him (Adrian) part 1

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 Your POV

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 Your POV.

     "Okay, I got this."

"What are you going to ware?" Ava asked me.

" I DON'T GOT THIS." I screamed out loud. Ava looked so confused, why is she so confused.  OH. I didn't say the 1st part out loud, did I. Oops.

     "Um sorry, but I have no fucking idea, I don't know if I should ware my "hero" clothes or just my normal clothes."

  Ava sighed from her bunk, to kill a mocking jay in her hands. She looked up and said " You should ware normal clothes so you guys don't draw attention and also he hasn't seen you in normal clothes."

      "You make a good point, hold on." I went to my closet and I pulled out my MCR shirt and my normal pants. I also got some boots that I made myself. I went to the bathroom and I changed out of crop trop and shorts. My hair dye that made my hair red and black had come out and my hair was my normal (h/c) hair. I grabbed some hair color (from a box) and I got ready to re-die my hair and get dressed.    

       Adrian POV.

     "where is my black shirt" I mumbled while looking in my closet for my favorite black shirt. I started to  throw clothes behind me from the closet searching for my favorite black shirt.  I then heard a voice say "Uhhhhh Adrian why are you cleaning your closet out?".

      I looked behind me and saw Peter with my clothes all over him. I sighed and stood up, I took the clothes off him and threw them into a pile next to my closet. "I am looking for my black shirt, not cleaning my closet Peter." I then turned around and got back on my knees and continued my search. I then heard some muttering behind me and a "Thwip" .

    "Hey buddy is this the black shirt you were looking for." I stood up and turned around and saw my black shirt. I nodded and grabbed the shirt. "where did you find it?" I asked."I could have swore I looked everywhere" I thought,

      "well I accidently picked it up when I was getting my dirty clothes, so I accidently washed it. I hope you don't mind". I smiled a bit and said "Not at all, thank you for cleaning it. I was going to clean it , but now I don't have to." I pushed all the clothes that I threw out of my closet and shut the door. I grabbed the jeans I had laying on my bed and walked towards the bathroom to get changed into these clothes and out of my super suit. 

     I put some cologne on and I brushed my hair so it wasn't so tangled and looked less like a rats hair. My hair actually looked like a form of darkness compared with my whiter than snow skin, now that it is brushed. I walked of the bathroom and to my closet. I grabbed my dark green hoddie and put it on.  I turned to Peter and asked "How do I look"

   "you look alive" he joked; I laughed at the joke and replied "Okay but for real do I look okay." Peter took off his mask and grinned "Yeah you look fine" he then paused and his grin turned into a soft smile and he said "So where are you and (y/n) going?" 

"how did you know?" I asked him with my eyebrow raised. He laughed and said "You would only brush your hair for her, so where are you going?" I sighed and said "We are going to the local carnival."

   "Really, well I kinda saw that coming I mean she is Harley Quinn's daughter." I mumbled a "yeah". Peter then got up and said "okay, ima give you a few tip okay." I sat down on my bed and said "Sure, that is fine with me." He then pulled out a chalkboard out of someone's closet (why dose someone even have a fucking chalkboard in their closet).

      "well 1 you have to win her a prize, most girls love this. Let her play so you don't anger her. 2nd let her chose the 1st things you guys do; then you chose some. 3rd get her favorite carnival food. Last but not least take her on the Ferris wheel . When it is night or when she wants to ride it. Ride the ride and at the top........ KISS HER." he shouted the last thing in my face. He then drew diagrams showing each step and turned to the corner and said "people this is how you be a gentleman or women. These are very good steps for anyone your boyfriend, girlfriend, crush, or a date." I threw my dark green pillow at him and said "who are you talking to peter." 

     "The readers duuuuuuuuu" my eyebrow was raised and I said "who the hell are the readers?" he sighed and said "It's nothing" Then he winked at the corner. I think he has been hanging out with Wade too much and he is slowly going insane.

        He threw the pillow back at me and said "Are you nervous Adrian." I fell back and laid on my bed and replied "I am more nervous than I have ever been in my entire life." He sat down next to me and said "Wow you must really like (y/n)" I blushed a bit and said "Yeah I really care about her." He jumped up and screamed;

"LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR." I sat up with wide eyes as he danced around the room and sang some wired song that went like "KISS ,KISS FALL IN LOVE DU DU DU DU." and on and on. I finally shut him up getting up and putting his mask in his mouth to shut him up and to make sure my ears didn't bleed before my date......

Or at least not bleed as much. I mean seriously  Peter has a horrible voice when he sings songs in a high voice, its the worse thing I have ever heard. Hopefully (y/n) will never hear it, I hope she doesn't have noises to haunt her. I just want her to be happy.......... and to be able to hear.

      "RUDE" peter screamed at me when he got his mask out of his mouth. 

HOLY CASTIEL GUYS, 3.3 K. I love each and every one of you so much and you mean so much to me in my life. If you weren't for you guys , my close friends and my boyfriend. I would be dead, and I am so so so so so sorry I haven't written in the past weeks. I started school 3 days ago and I have been dealing with minor depression and doing everything I can not to hurt myself. Thankfully with the help of all of you I have not yet.   YOU GUYS ARE EVRYTHING TO ME, and I care about you if you need anyone to talk to just tell me that your sad or angry and I will talk to you. Thank you all so much for everything and for reading my story or stories. I love you all so much.

      Love don't hate- mulangirl223

      Love don't hate- mulangirl223

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