Sam alexander 1st date/ 1st kiss

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Well I'm a shitty person, I didn't follow through with my promise and holy fuck guys I'm sorry. I am going to try to update more, i feel like the worst person forgetting you guys down, i hope you can forgive me, so i am going to update 2 times this week.
(F/d/o) favorite date outfit


you danced around the rm, thoughts of your Future date with Sam filling your brain.
"(Y/N) YOU NEED TO GET READY" Ava screamed at me, pulling me out of my thoughts, i looked over to her and said "what, I have like a few hours left don't i". Ava sighed and said "no you don't (y/n), you have an hour until you have to go." I moved towards my closet and pulled open my door.
"say Ava what should i ware?" I asked looking through my closet for something nice to ware. Ava moved towards my closet and stood next to me and hummed as she looked at my clothes as if judging them on a modeling show or something , then all of the sudden she walked into my closet and pulled out (f/d/o)) and shoved it into my arms and shoved me .i raced toward The Bathroom to get changed.

Sam POV.
"you are Sam fucking Alexander you can Do This" i said to myself as i looked into the mirror combing my hair, i looked at myself after brushing my hair, my white dress shirt clean as ever and some black jeans and converse, i grabbed my helmet and put it in my black backpack in throwing it over one shoulder as i walked down to go get (y/n)
When i got to the door of the girls dorm i knocked on the dorm door and waited for (Y.N)
HOLY SHIT, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL, my mouth opened wide and She Looked at me, her smile could fuel thousands of suns.
"hey Sam ready to go" she asked me stepping out of the dorm, "uh yeah... yeah lets go, but its gonna be through space, if that's Okay.
"yeah sure, hold on a sec." she said as she went over to her bed and put on her mask. I reached my hand out to hers and said "trust me".
she smiled "of course" I put on my helmet and pulled her close to me, "hold on tight" and i took off flying.

*time skip*
I set down softly onto the ground of this beautifully made planet, we set down on a hill overlooking a city made of glass and gold. Next to us lay a radio and some sodas, i took off her mask and set it onto the grass next to us.
" holy shit Sam this is beautiful." She said her sparking (e/c) eyes shinning down at the city , the gold reflecting her eyes. I turned on the radio To a slow Song.
"may i have this dance (y/n)" i asked as i held my hand out to her, she blushed slighting and took my hand and said in a sarcastic voice "no, I would totally not love that" We laughed as i put my hand on her waist, her hands around my neck, I looked down at her as she watched her feet to make sure she was not stepping on my foot.
"darling its easier if you don't look down" I moved my hand to her chin and softly lifted her chin up, and smiled at her blushing. "Oh is it now Alexander" she questioned me, a spark of fiery gold in her eyes.
"plus i cant see those beautiful star light eyes if you look down, and i cant make you smile if you cant see my funny faces" I made a goofy face and she laughed . I soon joined her laughing,
"you should laugh more (y/n), you have a nice laugh" I said when our laughter died out. She laid her head on my shoulder. "I would laugh more if i has a reason to laugh" she said quietly her voice echoing into my ear
    "i wanna be the reason you laugh (y/n), i wanna make you happy, because you deserve to be happy" I said and I smiled down at her.
    Then she moved her head so i could see that beautiful smile she had on her lips, her kissable lips. Without a thought i moved my hand towards her Lower back and leaned into her, she moved her soft hands to around my neck and as the sun she on this planet our eyes closed and we kissed.
I felt her smile in the kiss as I pulled her closer, I never wanted to leave this moment. Yet, we had to, we moved our heads so we could breath, but she rested her head on my forehead looking me in those star like eyes, shinning a beautiful (e/c) in a way i have never seen.
"Your an amazing kisser" i said out loud without thinking.
Wait a second is she laughing, she is laughing. She laughed and laid her head on my shoulder and said"your funny. Sam you know that"
    "why I didn't know that star queen" i mumbled kissing her head.

Again guys I'm sorry I've been busy with school so I'm going to update. This week and i should be making a Valentine's Day special if i have the time. So for now-
Love yourself like i love cake -mulangirl223

  So for now-Love yourself like i love cake -mulangirl223

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