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In Spanish, the verb 'gustar' means 'to like'. Below are the Spanish subject pronouns. I will explain their purpose afterwards.


me- I
te- you
le- he/she/you(formal)/it


nos- we
os- you(We won't be learning this.)
les- them (You plural and formal.)

Put one of these pronouns before 'gustar' to say who likes something. If the thing is singular, use 'gusta'. Gustar isn't an ordinary Spanish verb, since it doesn't follow the regular pattern of verbs. For this reason, gustar is an irregular verb.


"Me gusta la pizza." =
"I like pizza."

"¿Te gusta el ajedrez?" =
"Do you like chess?"

"Le gusta el carro." =
"He/She/It likes the car."

"Nos gusta el heledo." =
"We like ice cream."

"¿Les gusta la fiesta?" =
"Do they like the party?"

Also, use '¿que?' with gusta to ask what someone likes.

"¿Qué te gusta?" = What do you like?

When you want to add 'mucho' (a lot), place the word after 'gusta(n).

"Me gusta el helado mucho." =
"I like ice cream a lot."

Put the word 'no' before the pronoun to say 'don't' or 'doesn't'.

"No me gusta la fruta." =
"I don't like the fruit."

To answer 'no' to a yes or no question, say 'no' twice.

"¿Te gusta la fruta?"

"No, no me gusta la fruta."

You should know that there are two forms of the verb gustar: 'gusta' and 'gustan'.

Let's say that you want to say that you like a fruit. If there was one fruit, you would say "Me gusta la fruta." But, what if there were more than one fruit? You would say "Me gustan las frutas."

¿Te gustan las fiestas? =
Do you like parties?

Muy me gustan las fiestas. =
I really like parties.

Nos gustan los videojuegos mucho. =
We like videogames a lot.

Gusta and gustan are the only conjugations of the verb 'gustar'. You use 'gustan' when there is more than one thing you are talking about. (Las fiestas, las verduras, los deportes, etc.)

Finally, look at this sentence: "A me gusta los carros." (To me I like the cars.) The word 'mí' is what you could call a Pronoun. Look below:

Pronouns After Prepositions:


These can be used to say things like:

"A ti te gusta el ajedrez." (To you you like the chess.)

"A él le gusta la pizza." (To him he likes the pizza.)

"A ella le gusta el helado." (To her she likes the ice cream.)

"A usted le gusta las fiestas." (To you you like the parties.)

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