Los Colores/The Colors

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Every language has colors, and it's best to learn the Spanish color spectrum. There are some Spanish color vocabulary words that I recommend memorising below.

rojo = red

verde = green

azul = blue

café = brown

amarillo = yellow

anarnjado = orange

morado = purple

rosado = pink

negro = black

blanco = white

gris = gray

Now, I will show you some examples of how these colors can be used.

The white house. = La casa blanca.

A pink flower. = Unas flores rosadas.

The purple flowers. = Las flores moradas.

A red bird. = Un pájaro rojo.

The black ant. = La hormiga negra.

The blue sky. = El cielo azul.

The yellow sun. = El sol amarillo.

An orange cat. = El gato anarnjado.

As you can see, the colors can change to match up with the gender and color of whatever they're describing.


The red house. = La casa roja.

The red houses. = Las casas rojas.

The red dog. = El perro rojo.

The red dogs. = Los perros rojos.

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